Gaza child's notebook with pictures of shaheeds

Gaza child's notebook with pictures of shaheeds

    The following are selected pages from the notebook of a Gaza schoolchild, dating apparently from 2002. They include newspaper clippings and pictures of shaheeds (martyrs), Yasser Arafat and bin Laden, along with slogans, songs and verses from the Koran.  The English text is a translation of the original Arabic written by the schoolchild.


    The front cover of the notebook is decorated with a colorful cartoon of birds and the ducks. On the back cover - a picture of a shaheed.


    A photo of Osama bin Laden.

     Text: "[Who raised the heavens so that] America should not live securely as long as we do not live in Palestine."


    Three suicide bombers.


    (Top) "They killed you by treachery/ They killed you by force/ They killed you by cowardice/ And the cowards do not know that you live forever in our hearts."

    (Bottom): A verse from the Koran generally attributed to a shaheed -

    "Don't think of those who died for the sake of Allah as dead. They are alive and getting sustenance from God."

    Palestinian terrorist holding a baby.

    Text: "If you are a shaheed, you are a ruler."


    Children with keffiyahs posing under photos of Yasser Arafat.

    Text: "Teach your children to love the land. Teach them that if you water the land with your blood, the revolution will grow."



    Text: "Strike, for the language of the bullet is the pure language."

    Text: "I want to be a shaheed to bring peace [tranquility] to my country."