Explosives and Molotov cocktails discovered at Tapuach crossing

Explosives and Molotov cocktails discovered at Tapuach crossing

    Israel Border Police uncover explosives ready to be used in a Palestinian terrorist's bag. Other weaponry was recently found at the same checkpoint

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)

    Israel Border Police forces discovered five pipe bombs and three Molotov cocktails ready to be thrown in a Palestinian terrorist's bag at the Tapuach checkpoint, south of Nablus on Tuesday (March 8).

    In addition, terrorists threw rocks at two buses leaving the Har Hatzofim tunnel in Jerusalem. One passenger was lightly injured and taken to the Har Hatzofim hospital for treatment. The bus's windshields were also damaged.

    Five months ago IDF forces uncovered a 12-centimeter knife in a Palestinian's bag at the same checkpoint. The knife was confiscated and the Palestinian taken for questioning by security forces.