Explosive devices discovered, supporting suspicion of terror attempt

Explosive devices discovered, supporting suspicion of terror attempt

    The infiltrators intended to cross into Israel and execute a terror attack.

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)

    Yesterday morning, Monday December 28, IDF engineering personnel detonated three explosive devices discovered late Friday night, December 25, when four Palestinian suspects were identified crawling near the northern Gaza security fence in a suspected attempt to infiltrate Israel and execute a terror attack. The explosives were found along with a rope ladder during searches that followed the incident, firmly supporting the suspicion that the infiltrators intended to cross into Israel and execute a terror attack.

    During the incident soldiers fired toward the suspects, who continued to move towards the security fence. In addition, the forces directed an aerial attack against the suspects. Three of the suspects were killed and one was injured.

    The IDF would like to emphasize that in the past there has been terrorist activity along the security fence in Gaza, including infiltration attempts, gunfire against Israeli civilians and IDF soldiers, as well as the planting of explosive devices. Due to such incidents, the IDF remains cautious.