Recent examples of Palestinian incitement to terror 18 Nov 2014

Recent examples of Palestinian incitement to terror

    A post on the Fatah Facebook page praises the terror attack in Jerusalem on 18 November, and a cartoon glorifies the terrorist who attempted to murder Rabbi Yehuda Glick.
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    Cartoon glorifies terrorist who attempted to murder Rabbi Yehuda Glick Cartoon glorifies terrorist who attempted to murder Rabbi Yehuda Glick
    1. A post on the Fatah Facebook page praising the terror attack in Jerusalem on 18 November:

    2. Cartoon depicting the Jews as mice on the Fatah's Information and Culture Website, titled "Where's the Nation?" (16 November 2014):

    3. Cartoon glorifies terrorist who attempted to murder Rabbi Yehuda Glick, from The Capital City, bi-weekly distributed with official PA daily (13 November 2014) - Terrorist Mutaz Hijazi, who attempted to murder Rabbi Glick on Oct. 29, 2014, is seen trying to strangle Rabbi Glick while saying: "You make me mad!"

    4. "The goal of the settltments" (3 November 2014)

    5. Cartoon from Hamas website - "Jerusalem is thirsty for blood":
    Hamas: Jerusalem is thirsty for blood