Details regarding Hamas terrorist Iman Halaweh

Details regarding Hamas terrorist Iman Halaweh

      Details regarding Hamas terrorist Iman Halaweh
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Advisor)

    22 October 2001

    Following are details regarding Iman Halaweh of Nablus, a senior Hamas military wing official in Samaria:

    1. He was involved in the Hamas military infrastructure that perpetrated suicide attacks in Jerusalem in 1997 and was considered an expert in the manufacture of explosive devices.

    2. He headed the Hamas infrastructure in Samaria that perpetrated a series of bomb and suicide attacks in the past year:

    • A suicide attack at French Hill junction in Jerusalem;
    • A suicide attack at Neveh Yamin junction;
    • A suicide attack in Kfar Saba;
    • The suicide attack at the Dolphinarium in Tel Aviv;
    • A suicide attack in Netanya;
    • A bomb hidden in a beer can in a Jerusalem supermarket;
    • The suicide attack at the Sbarro restaurant in Jerusalem;
    • The suicide attack at the Nahariya train station.

    Forty-nine people were killed in these attacks and 295 were injured.

    3. Due to the foregoing, Halaweh's name headed the list of wanted fugitives whose arrest Israel had recently demanded from the Palestinian Authority.