Childhood in Gaza under Hamas rule

Childhood in Gaza under Hamas rule

    The children of Gaza are subjected to Hamas’ oppressive authoritarian rule that deprives them of a real education and teaches them violence and hatred.
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    Childhood in Gaza under Hamas rule Childhood in Gaza under Hamas rule Copyright: Courtesy IDF Spokesperson
    (IDF Spokesperson)

    For years, Hamas has brainwashed and manipulated people in Gaza, and they start young.
    While students their age around the world make friends, learn and expand their horizons, the children of Gaza are subjected to Hamas’ oppressive authoritarian rule that deprives them of a real education and teaches them violence and hatred.

    Every year summer camps are held throughout the Gaza Strip during the summer vacation, for the most part organized by Hamas. This year more than 120,000 Gazan children and pupils in the eighth through twelfth grades participated. The camps featured social activities, sports and entertainment alongside radical Islamic Hamas ideological indoctrination and semi-military training (including instruction in firing rockets and abducting IDF soldiers).

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