Bomb found in furniture truck at Hawara checkpoint

Bomb found in furniture truck at Hawara checkpoint


    (Communicated by Israeli security sources)
    In recent days the security forces received information that the Tanzim terrorist infrastructure in Nablus, directed and supported by Hizbullah, would mount a suicide bombing attack in Israel.

    On December 12, 2004 the IDF and ISA uncovered at the Hawara checkpoint, at the entrance of Nablus, a bag of explosives, hidden inside a cupboard, which was being transported in a furniture truck on its way from Nablus to Jerusalem. The cupboard was hidden under a false bottom in the truck, which indicates meticulous planning and the cynical use of innocent drivers transporting goods through the West Bank.

    The investigation of the incident shows that the transportation of the explosive device was an initial step in carrying out a suicide bombing attack inside Israel. Hashem Shweike, a resident of Nablus who lives and works in A-Ram, was waiting to receive the explosive device, and following that, to meet the suicide bomber.

    Hashem Shweike was arrested on December 12 at the A-Ram checkpoint. His investigation shows that a wanted Tanzim operative from Nablus, Jamil Fukaha, was the director of the suicide bombing attack. Fukaha was, until recently, the assistant of Majdi Merai, a wanted terrorist who was killed in an encounter with IDF soldiers in November 2004.

    In July 2004 Majdi Merai himself dispatched a suicide bomber to Israel and sent an explosive device hidden inside the truck of an innocent driver. That suicide bombing was thwarted with the arrest of the suicide bomber and his leader and following a malfunction in the explosive device, which exploded on the truck before the cell managed to carry it out of the city.

    The foiling of the attack this week and the discovery of the bomb are further proofs of the efficiency of the checkpoints in preventing the entrance of terrorists and weapons into Israel.