August 4, 2002- 13 dead in a day of terror

August 4, 2002- 13 dead in a day of terror

      August 4, 2002: 13 dead in a day of terror

    08:45 - Suicide bombing on Egged bus at Meron junction
    11:40 - Shooting at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem
    24:30 - Shooting on Ramallah-Nablus road

    08:45 - Suicide bombing on Egged bus at Meron junction

    Scene of suicide bombing at Meron junction bus stop

    ©2002 Reuters/Nir Elias 
    Wreckage of Egged bus destroyed by a suicide bomber

    Nine people were killed and some 50 wounded in a suicide bombing of Egged bus No. 361 traveling from Haifa to Safed at the Meron junction in northern Israel shortly before 9:00 Sunday morning.

    There were many IDF soldiers on the bus, which exploded as it was traveling near the entrance to the burial site of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai, frequently visited by Jewish worshippers. The blast blew off the roof of the bus, which then burst into flames, killing or wounding nearly everyone inside, witnesses said. Among those killed were twere three soldiers, four Israeli civilians and two Philippine women.

    Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack. Overnight on Sunday, IDF troops captured Hamas commander Mazan Fukha, responsible for dispatching the suicide bomber, in the West Bank town of Tubas together with two of his deputies.

  • ISA and Israel Police arrest two Israeli citizens on suspicion of aiding and abetting the suicide-attack on bus at Meron Junction - Aug 26, 2002.

    11:40 - Shooting at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem

    Victim of shooting at Damascus Gate

    Yekutiel Amitai, 32, of Jerusalem, a security guard, and Nizal Awassat, 51, of the Jabel Mukabar neighborhood in East Jerusalem, were killed and 17 people were wounded when a Palestinian terrorist opened fire with a pistol shortly before noon at a Bezeq telecommunications company truck near the Damascus Gate of Jerusalem's Old City. Border policemen exchanged fire with the gunman, killing him.

    The Fatah al-Aqsa Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

    24:30 - Shooting on Ramallah-Nablus road

    The Wolanski family
    Avi Wolanski (29) and his pregnant wife Avital (27), of Eli, were killed just after midnight Sunday night, and one of their children, aged 3, was injured when terrorists opened fire on their car as they were traveling on the Ramallah-Nablus road near Eli in Samaria.

    A Fatah-affilated group claimed responsibility for the attack.

    The victims:

    Suicide bombing of Egged bus:
      - Mordechai Yehuda Friedman, 24, of Ramat Beit Shemesh;
      - Sari Goldstein, 21, of Karmiel;
      - Maysoun Amin Hassan, 19, of Sajur;
      - Marlene Miriam Menahem, 22, of Moshav Safsufa
      - Sgt.-Maj. Roni Ghanem, 28, of Maghar;
      - Sgt. Yifat Gavrieli, 19, of Mitzpe Adi;
      - Sgt. Omri Goldin, 20, of Mitzpe Aviv;
      - Adelina Kononen, 37, of the Philippines;
      - Rebecca Roga, 40, of the Philippines.

    Shooting at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem:
      - Yekutiel Amitai, 34, of Jerusalem;
      - Nizal Awassat, 52, of the Jabel Mukabar.

    Shooting on Ramallah-Nablus road:
      - Avi Wolanski, 29, of Eli
      - Avital Wolanski, 27, of Eli.

    Mordechai Friedman
    Sari Goldstein
    Maysoun Hassan
    Marlene Menahem

    Sgt.Mj Roni Ghanem
    Sgt. Yifat Gavrieli
    Sgt. Omri Goldin
    Adelina Kononen
    Rebecca Roga

    Yekutiel Amitai
    Nizal Awassat
    Avi Wolanski
    Avital Wolanski

    News reports:

     Two killed in West Bank ambush; death toll rises to 13 - Ha'aretz, Aug 5, 2002
     At least 9 killed in bombing on bus near Safed - Ha'aretz, Aug 4, 2002
     'An atrocious scene': Eyewitness accounts of the Safed bus bombing - Ha'aretz, Aug 4, 2002

    Palestinian violence and terrorism since Sept 2000
    In Memory of the Victims of Palestinian Violence and Terrorism
    Suicide and Other Bombing Attacks in Israel Since the Declaration of Principles (Sept 1993)