Attempted terror attack via the sea thwarted

Attempted terror attack via the sea thwarted


    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    The Israeli Navy yesterday (November 9) thwarted an attempt to infiltrate into Israel via the sea, as an IDF observation force identified a suspicious figure swimming towards the Israeli communities in the northern Gaza Strip west of the community of Dugit, in an area prohibited for Palestinians.

    An IDF Dabur boat patrolling the area was called to the scene. The soldiers called for the suspect to stop. When he didn't, they fired warning shots, but he continued swimming towards the Israeli shore. The soldiers suspected that he was a terrorist and opened fire, killing him.   

    The body of the terrorist, wearing a diving suit and diving fins, was pulled out of the water. An AK-47 assault rifle, an explosive device, four hand grenades, five magazines, and a knife and were discovered today by IDF forces in searches conducted in the area of the incident.