Army of Islam terrorists killed in aerial attacks

Army of Islam terrorists killed in aerial attacks

    Terrorists belonging to the Army of Islam, the organization involved in the Shalit and Johnston kidnappings, were killed.

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    As part of a joint IDF and ISA operation today, aerial attacks were carried out in which the IDF identified hitting Army of Islam terrorists involved in recent attempts to execute a large-scale terror attack against Israeli targets.

    Among the terrorists killed were Ma'ataz Dagmesh, 29, resident of Gaza, Mahmud Shandi, 25, resident of Al-Hawa and Muhamad Asaliya, 21, resident of the Jabaliya R.C - three senior terrorists within the organization. Dagmesh, whose brother is the organization leader in the Gaza Strip, was the leader and planner of the thwarted terror attack. Asaliya served as the organization's senior terror attacks planner.

    The Army of Islam is an extreme Islamist organization that represents Al-Qaeda in the Gaza Strip, and preaches worldwide Jihad. The organization was involved in numerous attacks against Israel, including:

    In late September 2007, the organization was planning a marine based terror-attack. The attack was thwarted when several of the terrorists were killed.