The Battle for Hearts and Minds 27 March 2019

The Battle for Hearts and Minds: Media instructions posted to a Hamas forum during the most recent round of escalation

    Media workers should avoid the use of terminology that indicates a recognition of the existence of Israel, and there is no such thing as ‘the residents of Israel's south’ because [the Israelis] are thieves who took the Palestinian lands by force.
    ​(Communicated by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center)
    Instructions were posted to a Hamas forum regarding the terminology that should be used in the media. (Click here​ for the full report, including the original Arabic text.) 

    According to the instructions, media workers should avoid the use of terminology that indicates a recognition of the existence of Israel (the "Zionist entity"); care should be taken to designate all sites attacked by Israel as "civilian targets" and not as military targets; the cities in Israel which are attacked should be referred to as occupied Palestinian territories, and not as cities; and there is no such thing as "the residents of Israel's south" because [the Israelis] are thieves who took the Palestinian lands by force.