The Hamas War against Israel: A Diary-October 2007

The Hamas War against Israel: A Diary-October 2007

    During October 2007, 59 rockets and 87 mortar bombs were fired from Gaza at Sderot and the western Negev.

    The red circle tracks the terrorists as they prepare to fire the mortars outside the school in Ben Hanoun (IDF Spokesman)

    30 Oct 2007

    Israeli warplanes attacked a terrorist position in the southern Gaza Strip in response to rocket and mortar attacks on southern Israel. Mortars landed in Netiv Ha'asara, where a grandmother and baby granddaughter were in the living room of a house that was hit, narrowly escaping injury.

    29 Oct 2007

    IDF aircraft captured on film three terrorists preparing and then launching the mortars at Israel from an UNRWA schoolyard in Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza.

    24 Oct 2007

    Five Kassams were fired at the western Negev on Wednesday evening, one landing in Sderot near a WIZO day care center. Two people suffer from shock. 

    Photo: Rafi Babayan, Security officer, Sdot Negev Regional Council

    7 Oct 2007

    Palestinian terrorists in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip fired a Grad missile, which landed near the southern Israeli town of Netivot - about 15 km inside Israeli territory.

    The 122 mm Grad heavy artillery rocket, apparently produced in the former Soviet Union and smuggled into Gaza from Egypt, is an improved version of the infamous Katyusha rocket recently used by the Hizbullah to bombard northern Israel from Lebanese territory. The use of this weapon marks a significant escalation in the Palestinian campaign of terror against Israeli civilians, both in the range of the missile and the destructive force of the missile's warhead.