Security officials thwart over 1,200 smuggling attempts into Gaza in 2016 15 July 2017

Security officials thwart over 1,200 smuggling attempts into Gaza in 2016

    Security officials at the Kerem Shalom crossing thwarted 1,226 attempts to smuggle contraband into Gaza in 2016, a 165% increase from 2015.
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    Entry of material into the Gaza Strip Entry of material into the Gaza Strip Copyright: COGAT
    ​(Communicated by the Ministry of Defense Spokesperson)

    The Ministry of Defense Crossing Authority, the body responsible for operating the Kerem Shalom and Erez crossing points along the Israel-Gaza border as well as across Judea and Samaria, recently concluded another record year since its inception in 2005. Throughout 2016, about 13 million Palestinian pedestrians crossed into Israel through Ministry of Defense Crossing Authority points (1.6 million more than in 2015).

    In October 2016, a record of over 55,000 daily pedestrian crossings for those employed in Israel, for commerce, as well as for medical and humanitarian treatment. In 2016, the movement of Israeli goods into Gaza through Kerem Shalom increased by 13% to 175,000 trucks and peaked at an average of 890 trucks daily throughout the month of October. The Shin Bet and Ministry of Defense Crossing Authority, together with COGAT, Israeli Police and Tax Authority, continue to fight the persistent attempts to smuggle contraband through Kerem Shalom into the Gaza Strip.

    Smuggling attempts have increased each year since Operation Protective Edge. In 2016, 1,226 smuggling attempts were foiled, representing a 165% increase from 2015. This increase is a due to increased truck traffic, an expanded list of controlled items and an increased deterrence among truck drivers resulting in decreased cooperation with the smugglers. Dozens of investigations led by the Shin Bet have been conducted and have resulted in significant damage of the smuggling infrastructure in the south.

    Examples of Thwarted Smuggling Attempts: Drones, small UAVs, security cameras, dismantled vehicle parts, 4X4 engines and tires, lasers, rappelling equipment, professional-grade diving equipment, communications equipment, winches, car batteries, military clothing, dual-use fiberglass, liquid polyester and adhesive material, spiral welding, aluminum and iron pipes, water pumps, metal pellets, steel rods and more.

    Head of the Ministry of Defense Crossing Authority, Brig. Gen. (res) Kamil Abu-Rokon: "The defense establishment's bitter war against smugglers has noticeably slowed the strengthening of terrorist groups in Gaza. In recent months, we have installed a new shipment screening system at Kerem Shalom, the most advanced in the world, and have added technologies and new testing methods that add to our abilities in the daily struggle against the smugglers."