Kalkilya resident linked to Hezbollah arrested and charged 9 March 2017

ISA Press Release: Kalkilya resident linked to Hezbollah arrested and charged

    The suspect had been directed to carry out various tasks, including gathering information on IDF bases and checkpoints as well as sites in the Old City of Jerusalem, and was also directed to set up a terrorist cell in order to carry out an abduction.
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    Israel Security Agency Israel Security Agency
    ​ (Communicated by the ISA)
    The following has been cleared for publication:
    The Israel Security Agency (ISA), in cooperation with the IDF and the Israel Police, recently arrested Yusef Yasser Sweilam, 23, a resident of Kalkilya and member of Hezbollah, who had been instructed to advance terrorist attacks including an abduction.
    His ISA investigation revealed that Sweilam, a metalworker by trade, had been recruited to Hezbollah via a Facebook profile that serves Hezbollah as a platform to recruit members. At a certain stage Sweilam was instructed to open an "operational" e-mail account to which was sent encryption software, by means of which he was in contact with his Hezbollah handlers.
    His handlers directed Sweilam to carry out various tasks, including photographing – and gathering information on – IDF bases and checkpoints as well as sites in the Old City of Jerusalem. He was also directed to set up a terrorist cell in order to carry out an abduction and pass the abductee into Lebanon.
    Sweilam was arrested before he was able to commit any of the terrorist attacks that had been planned.
    A indictment has been filed against Sweilam in the Samaria Military Court.