Israel asks UN to condemn Hamas' latest attacks on Israeli civilians

Israel asks UN to condemn Hamas' latest attacks on Israeli civilians

    Since Monday, 13 September 2010, Hamas terrorists launched 14 rockets and mortars from in the Gaza Strip that sought to terrorize the civilian populations in Ashkelon and southern Israel.

    H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon
    Secretary General
    United Nations
    New York


    I write to you yet again regarding another series of serious incidents in southern Israel as a result of ongoing attacks from the Gaza Strip that is controlled by the Hamas terrorist organization. Since Monday, 13 September 2010, Hamas terrorists launched 14 rockets and mortars from in the Gaza Strip that sought to terrorize the civilian populations in Ashkelon, as well as the Eshkol region to the south. Some of these attacks that deliberately targeted civilians contained white phosphorous, a fact publicly acknowledged by Palestinian statements in the media. In addition, during this same period, Palestinian terrorists fired rocket propelled grenades at Israeli soldiers conducting routine patrols along the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip.

    Demonstrating the acute security challenges faced by Israel, this escalation takes place against the positive backdrop of renewed direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. In a concerted effort to derail peace talks, Hamas and other radical organizations have engaged in this deadly violence. Such terrorism coupled with Hamas' total rejection of any negotiated settlement reinforces Israel’s decision to exercise its right of self-defense against Hamas and all other groups that threaten and endanger Israeli citizens.

    In this respect, Israel expects the members of the international community that support peace negotiations and a two-state solution to unequivocally condemn Hamas' latest attacks that not only target Israeli civilians, but also the peace and security of the region.

    I wish to inform you that an identical letter has been sent to H.E. Mr. Ertuğrul Apakan, President of the United Nations Security Council, to be distributed as an official document of the Security Council.

    Allow me, Excellency, to renew to you the assurances of my highest consideration.

    Meron Reuben