Indictment of Gazan engineer Dirar Abu Sisi

Indictment of Gazan engineer Dirar Abu Sisi

    Beginning in 2002, Abu Sisi was engaged in the development of missiles to be launched by Hamas into the State of Israel, including increasing their range and ability to pierce steel so as to penetrate IDF armored vehicles and thus strike at soldiers.
    (Communicated by the Justice Ministry Spokesman)
    The Southern District Attorney's Office submitted to the Be'er Sheva District Court, today (Monday), 4 April 2011, an indictment against Dirar Abu Sisi, a resident of the Gaza Strip and member of the Hamas organization's administration. According to the indictment, beginning in 2002, Abu Sisi was engaged in the development of missiles to be launched by Hamas into the State of Israel, including increasing their range and ability to pierce steel so as to penetrate IDF armored vehicles and thus strike at soldiers. Similarly, Abu Sisi administered the Hamas military academy, which was established following Operation Cast Lead as part of Hamas's lessons from the war. Abu Sisi is accused of nine charges regarding activity in a terrorist organization, hundreds of counts of attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder and production of weaponry offenses.
    According to the indictment, Abu Sisi received his doctorate at the Kharkov Military Engineering Academy in Kharkov, Ukraine, and studied under Prof. Konstantin Petrovich, an expert in SCUD missile control systems. During his studies, Abu Sisi acquired extensive knowledge in missile development, control systems, propulsion and stabilization. Parallel to his work as an engineer for the Gaza electric company, Abu Sisi secretly joined Hamas. In the framework of his Hamas activity, between 2002-2008, Abu Sisi held a role in administration of the Hamas organization, with responsibility for electricity in the context of a committee headed by senior Hamas militant Muhammad Deif, and which was engaged in developing and improving missiles and mortars of various types. Abu Sisi's activity led to the development of deadly missiles that were launched beginning in 2002, and which are still being launched at the State of Israel and at IDF armored vehicles, thus harming the security of residents of the State and IDF soldiers on a daily basis.
    According to the indictment, following Operation Cast Lead, Abu Sisi was appointed to direct the establishment of a military academy that would train Hamas officers and commanders for combat, and, in fact, established the academy.
    The indictment attributes to Abu Sisi many counts of attempted murder in that he was party to hundreds of attempts to cause the death of residents of the State of Israel and IDF soldiers; offenses of membership in a terrorist organization in that he served in the Hamas organization administration; and offenses of criminal conspiracy in that he manufactured and developed missiles of various types; criminal conspiracy for firing missiles at the State of Israel; and manufacturing weapons.
    The indictment was filed by Moran Gaz from the Southern District Attorney's Office.