ISA detains suspects involved in killing of Aisha Rabi 6 January 2019

ISA detains suspects involved in killing of Aisha Rabi

    Security forces have arrested several persons suspected of involvement in the stone-throwing attack on 12 October 2018 that resulted in the killing of mother of nine Aisha Rabi.
    (Communicated by the ISA)
    The following has been cleared for publication:
    Following expedited intelligence activity, on 30 December 2018, the ISA and the Israel Police arrested several persons suspected of involvement in the 12 October 2018 stone-throwing attack near the community of Rehelim that resulted in the killing of Badya resident and mother of nine Aisha Rabi as she drove in her vehicle.
    The suspects were arrested for severe terrorist offenses including murder.
    The suspects are minors who study in the Pri Ha'aretz yeshiva in Rehelim, near the scene of the attack.
    On the Saturday morning after the attack, a group of activists set out by car from Yitzhar for the yeshiva in Rehelim in order to instruct youths learning at the yeshiva on how to prepare for and deal with ISA interrogation.
    All details, apart from the foregoing, on the investigation and identity of the suspects are under a gag order.
    Since the start of the arrests, the ISA has identified a deliberate and continuing effort by interested elements to denigrate the organization and its employees and delegitimize its activities. This attempt deserves condemnation and non-cooperation. The ISA will not slacken in its continuing counter-terrorist efforts, be the terrorism Jewish or Palestinian, which are according to official values and for the security of Israel.
    It will be emphasized that ISA investigations are carried out according to law and court rulings, and are under the supervision of the State Attorney's office as necessary and the courts; such is the case here.
    The detainees being investigated by the ISA are receiving the full rights to which they are entitled by law. Claims to the effect that they are being denied their rights in violation of the law are without any foundation and are designed to divert discussion from the severe accusations for which the suspects are being held and questioned.
    During the [past] year, the ISA foiled hundreds of terrorist attacks in Judea and Samaria, including Jewish terrorist attacks.
    The ISA will continue take determined action against all forms of terrorism.