ISA arrests Israeli Arab suspected of joining Jabat al-Nusra in Syria 2 June 2019

ISA arrests Israeli Arab suspected of joining the Jabat al-Nusra terrorist group in Syria

    The suspect was detained for investigation upon her return to Israel after having spent approximately one year with Jabat al-Nusra in Syria. It was learned that she had joined the extremist terrorist group out of a desire to become a martyr.
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    Ranwa Rasmi Muhammad Shanawi Ranwa Rasmi Muhammad Shanawi Copyright: ISA
    ​(Communicated by the ISA)​

    The following has been cleared for publication:

    The Israel Security Agency (ISA), in cooperation with the Israel Police, on 7 May 2019, arrested Ranwa Rasmi Muhammad Shanawi, born in 1997, a resident of Makr, on suspicion of having illegally left Israel for Syria where she joined the Islamic extremist Jabat al-Nusra terrorist group.

    Shanawi was detained for investigation upon her return to Israel after having spent approximately one year with Jabat al-Nusra in Syria.

    During her investigation it was learned that Shanawi had made contact with a Syrian national who suggested that she go to Syria and join Jabat al-Nusra. She agreed out of the desire to become a martyr.

    It was also learned that Shanawi stole money from her family to use in traveling to Syria. With the stolen money she bought a plane ticket to Turkey, arriving there in March 2018. She crossed the border into Syria with forged documents.

    Shanawi joined the ranks of Jabat al-Nusra. She was arrested by the organization and held in Idlib. After her release, Shanawi sought to remain active in the organization but left Syria for Turkey and subsequently returned to Israel.

    Shanawi subscribed to an extremist ideology including support for Islamic State and an abiding hatred of Jews.

    The State Attorney's Office (Northern District) filed a severe indictment against Shanawi on 31 May 2019.