ISA and Israel Police arrest two Israeli Arab women suspected of contact with Islamic State 8 Jan 2018

ISA and Israel Police arrest two Israeli Arab women on suspicion of being in contact with Islamic State

    The two sought to carry out a terrorist attack against Jews inside the State of Israel and were in contact with Islamic State terrorists abroad.
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    Israel Security Agency Israel Security Agency
    (Communicated by the ISA)
    The following has been cleared for publication:
    The Israel Security Agency (ISA), in conjunction with the IDF, in December 2017, arrested two Israeli citizens, Rahma Al-Assad and Tasnin Al-Assad, aged 19 and residents of Lakiya in the Negev, on suspicion of being in contact with Islamic State terrorists.
    In their investigation it became clear that over the course of last year, the two sought to carry out a terrorist attack against Jews inside the State of Israel and – to this end – considered various options. They were also in contact with Islamic State terrorists abroad and were instructed by some of them to carry out preparatory missions ahead of the projected attack. It was also learned that the two planned to travel overseas in order to join the Islamic State as fighters and had published content praising the Islamic State and inciting to terrorism against Jews and Israel.
    The State Attorney's Office (Southern District), today (Monday, 8 January 2017), indicted the two in the Southern District Court in Be'er Sheva.

    The two suspected terrorists