IDF thwarts attempted terror attack near Gaza security fence

IDF thwarts attempted terror attack near Gaza security fence

    The IDF has recently identified a significant rise in attempts to place explosive devices on the security fence of the Gaza Strip in an attempt to target forces in the area.

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)

    This morning (November 12, 2008), IDF forces identified a number of armed gunmen attempting to place an explosive device near the security fence of the central Gaza Strip. The gunmen exchanged fire with the force that arrived at the location. Throughout the exchange of fire, a number of mortar shells were fired at the IDF force, and an explosive device was detonated. The force fired at the armed gunmen and identified hitting four of them. The remaining terrorists were taken for questioning by security forces. Various weapons and grenades were found on the bodies of the Palestinian gunmen.

    An IDF soldier was lightly wounded and taken to hospital for medical treatment.

    The IDF has recently identified a significant rise in attempts to place explosive devices on the security fence of the Gaza Strip in an attempt to target forces in the area.