IDF soldiers killed in Operation Cast Lead

IDF soldiers killed in Operation Cast Lead

    Since the beginning of the ground operation in Gaza, 9 IDF soldiers have been killed.

    IDF Operation Cast Lead

    Jan 4, 2009 - Staff Sgt Dvir Emanuelof, 22, of Giv'at Ze'ev, was killed when a mortar shell landed in proximity to his patrol near Jebaliya in the northern Gaza Strip;19 other soldiers were wounded.

    Jan 5, 2009 - Three IDF soldiers of the Golani Brigade were killed when a tank accidentally fired a live round at an abandoned building in Jabalya, in which Golani forces were taking cover:
    - Maj. Dagan Wartman, 32, of Ma'ale Michmash, a medical officer
    - Staff Sgt. Nitai Stern, 21, of Jerusalem
    - Cpl. Yousef Muadi, 19, of Haifa

    Dvir Emanuelof
    Dagan Wartman
    Nitai Stern
    Yousef Muadi

    Jan 6, 2009
    - IDF Paratroop officer, Capt. Yehonatan Netanel, 27, of Kedumim was killed in north Gaza during the early hours of Tuesday morning by an errant IDF tank shell.

    Jan 6, 2009 - Staff Sgt. Alexander Mashvitzky, 21, of Beersheba, from an elite Combat Engineering unit, was killed while on an IDF patrol in northern Gaza City, when a terrorist cell opened fire.

    Jan 8, 2009 - Maj. Roi Rosner, 27, of Holon, a company commander from the Kfir infantry brigade was killed during a fire-fight in the central Gaza Strip, when terrorists fired an anti-tank missile at his unit.

    Jan 8, 2009 - Sgt Amit Robinson, 20, of Kibbutz Magal, of the Armored Corps, was killed by Palestinian sniper fire in the northern Gaza Strip

    Yehonatan Netanel
    Alexander Mashvitzky

    Roi Rosner

    Amit Robinson

    Jan 8, 2009 - Capt. Omer Rabinovitch, 23 of Arad, a Golani commander was killed during exchanges of fire in the northern Gaza Strip.

    Omer Rabinovitch