IDF hits terrorist targets in response to attacks

IDF hits terrorist targets in response to attacks

    Palestinians detonated an explosive device against an IDF force patrolling on the Israeli side of the Gaza Strip security fence.

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)

    IAF aircraft hit a number of Hamas smuggling tunnels on the southern border of the Gaza Strip. This was in response to the attack against an IDF force in the area of Kissufim on the morning of January 27th, in which one IDF Warrant Officer was killed and three other IDF personnel were wounded, including one severe injury, when Palestinians detonated an explosive device against an IDF force patrolling on the Israeli side of the Gaza Strip security fence.

    On Tuesday evening (27 January), IAF aircraft, using intelligence provided by the ISA, attacked a terror operative in Khan Yunis, who was prominent in the organization which claimed responsibility for the attack in Kissufim.

    The IDF sees Hamas as accountable for preserving the peace in Israel's southern communities and will respond harshly to any attempt to undermine it.

    Response to Kassam rocket launched Wednesday evening

    In response to the launching of a Kassam rocket into southern Israel on Wednesday evening (28 January), the Israel Air Force (IAF) attacked a weapons manufacturing facility in the Rafah City area. An accurate hit was identified.

    As the sole authority in the Gaza Strip, Hamas bears full responsibility of all terror originating from within its area of control. The IDF will respond to any terror attacks in accordance with decisions made by the Israeli government.

    Aerial attack in response to attack that killed an IDF Warrant Officer

    An aerial attack was carried out a short time ago (29 January) against Mahmad Uda Hamdan Samiri, 25, a known terror operative of the Global Jihad in the Gaza strip. Samiri is a former Hamas terror operative who received military training with the Hamas.

    Samiri was part of the squad responsible for the detonation of the explosive device near Kissufim last Tuesday, which killed an IDF warrant officer and wounded three additional IDF soldiers. In addition, Samiri is known for taking part in the detonation of an explosive device that killed two IDF soldiers near Kisufim in March 2008.

    As the sole authority in the Gaza Strip, Hamas bears full responsibility for all terrorist activity originating from Gaza. The IDF will respond to any terror attacks in accordance with decisions made by the Israeli government.