IDF strikes Hamas tunnel as terrorists plan attack 7 Jul 2014

IDF strikes Hamas tunnel as terrorists plan attack

    Hamas terrorists built the tunnel, which extends from Gaza into Israel, in order to execute complex attacks against civilians and IDF soldiers.
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    Soldier investigates the Gazan terror tunnel leading into Israeli civilian communities Soldier investigates the Gazan terror tunnel leading into Israeli civilian communities Copyright: IDF Spokesperson archive photo
    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)
    The IDF targeted a Hamas tunnel early Monday morning (July 7), preventing an imminent terror threat to Israeli citizens. Hamas terrorists built the tunnel, which extends from Gaza into Israel, in order to execute complex attacks against civilians and IDF soldiers.
    At the time of the strike, terrorists inside the tunnel were working with explosives, causing a massive blast that killed seven Hamas operatives. The terrorists likely planned to use the explosives to carry out an attack against Israel.
    "Terror tunnels such as this one demonstrate Hamas' constant attempts to violate Israel’s sovereignty and carry out complex attacks," said IDF Spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner. "We are committed to fulfil our duty with preemptive precision and extensive intelligence in order to safeguard Israelis under threat. Gaza terrorists will not be free to scheme, plot and conspire. They will face the repercussions of their loathsome intentions."
    The strike came as Gaza terrorists continued their relentless rocket fire at Israeli civilians. Since June 12, when Hamas terrorists kidnapped and murdered three Israeli teenagers, Gaza terrorists have launched over 240 rockets at Israel. Approximately 240 rockets and mortars have struck southern Israel during this period, endangering Sderot, Netivot, Be'er Sheva and other major communities.