IDF report: Hamas illegally used civilian infrastructure during Operation Protective Edge

IDF report: Hamas illegally used civilian infrastructure during Operation Protective Edge

    The report shows Hamas’ use of UN facilities, schools, graveyards, mosques and power plants, among other civilian areas. According to the report, Hamas has launched over 1,600 rockets from civilian sites.
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    IDF report: Hamas Illegally used public infrastructure during Operation Protective Edge IDF report: Hamas Illegally used public infrastructure during Operation Protective Edge Copyright: IDF Spokesperson
    The report shows Hamas’ use of UN facilities, schools, graveyards, mosques and power plants, among other civilian areas.  According to the report, Hamas has launched over 1,600 rockets from civilian sites.

    The report concludes: Hamas' tactics flagrantly violate international law and the most basic of moral precepts. Given these tactics, the ultimate resopnsiblity for the damage done to civilians as well as the civilian infrastructure of Gaza lies with Hamas.