IDF destroys Hamas offensive terror tunnel within Israeli territory 15 April 2018

IDF destroys Hamas offensive terror tunnel within Israeli territory

    The IDF will not allow Israeli civilians to be harmed or Israeli sovereignty to be breached and will continue operating with determination in the face of all forms of terrorism.
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     Copyright: IDF
    ​(Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)
    Over the course of the weekend (April 13th-April 15th, 2018), the IDF thwarted an offensive terror tunnel belonging to the Hamas terror organization that infiltrated into Israeli territory from the northern Gaza Strip near the community of Nahal Oz. This terror tunnel put the lives of hundreds of Israeli families at risk, amongst them women and children.
    The route of the terror tunnel, which was identified by security forces early on and monitored thereafter, was thwarted in an engineering operation in Israeli territory.
    In recent months and especially over the last two weeks, the Hamas terror organization has turned the area surrounding the security fence into an area of terror and fighting. The violent riots that have been taking place in the area of the security fence are an attempt to mask the terror attacks intended to take place above and below ground.
    The IDF will not allow Israeli civilians to be harmed or Israeli sovereignty to be breached and will continue operating with determination in the face of all forms of terrorism.
    Gaza terror tunnels destroyed by the IDF over the past six months.  Image: IDF Spokesperson.
    The IDF is engaged in a systematic, operational, intelligence and technological effort aimed at identifying and thwarting terror tunnels as well as constructing an underground security barrier to protect Israeli civilians and Israeli sovereignty.
    The Hamas terror organization continues to invest significant resources into its futile terror activities instead of investing in the well-being of its own people.
    The IDF will continue operating to carry out its mission of protecting Israeli civilians and Israeli sovereignty whilst striving to ensure a stable security situation and preparedness for a variety of scenarios.