Hamas terrorist arrested for constructing tunnels from Gaza 16 Aug 2015

Hamas terrorist arrested for constructing tunnels from Gaza

    Shaer confessed to have been fully involved in the planning of the continued terror tunnel network in the Gaza Strip over recent months. He also confirmed that Iran has trained Hamas operatives to infiltrate Israeli territory and airspace.
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    Hamas terror tunnels from Gaza Hamas terror tunnels from Gaza Copyright: IDF Spokesperson
    In early July, a joint ISA and Israel Police operation led to the arrest of Ibrahim A'adel Shahada Shaer. Shaer, a Hamas terrorist, was actively involved in plotting tunnel attacks from the Gaza Strip. Shaer, a resident of Rafah, conveyed detailed information regarding Hamas' terror activities in Rafah. He also relayed divulged information pertaining to planned Hamas attacks during the 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict and the terror organization's intentions to use tunnels to execute attacks against Israeli civilians.

    He confessed to have been fully involved in the planning of the continued terror tunnel network in the Gaza Strip over recent months - specifically, a plan involving a terror tunnel leading from Rafah to the Kerem Shalom Crossing. He also acknowledged the construction of a road which is being paved by Hamas adjacent to the border. The road will be used in order to execute surprise attacks against Israel.

    Shaer was personally involved in multiple Hamas training exercises including combat training, commander courses, sophisticated weaponry and improvised explosive devices (IED).

    During the 2014 Israel-Gaza Conflict, Shaer was a part of the logistics department of Hamas, and assisted in transporting military equipment and IEDs to other Hamas operatives. He also took an active part in combat, by planting explosive devices against IDF tanks.

    Shaer also verified the partnership between Iran and the Hamas, in which Iran supports the terror group's military infrastructure. According to Shaer, Iran transfers funds, advanced weaponry and electronic equipment such as frequency disruption devices used in order to shoot down Israeli UAVs. He added that Iran has trained Hamas operatives to infiltrate Israeli territory and airspace. Shaer disclosed information on Hamas' elite Nukbah Unit and on  Hamas' anti-tank and anti-aircraft capabilities which he stated, have the ability to monitor images as far as three kilometers into Israeli territory.

    Shaer disclosed Hamas' abuse of materials brought to the Gaza Strip for reconstruction and rehabilitation in order to rebuild terror infrastructure and execute terror activities. According to his investigation, Hamas leaders ordered operatives to use homes for weapon storage, endangering many civilian lives - in order to attempt to prevent the targeting of Hamas' weapon storage units. He also confessed to storing multiple IEDs in his own home.

    On July 31, 2015, the district court of Be'er-Sheva indicted Shaer for membership and association with illegal organizations, attempted murder, interaction with foreign spies, illegal military trainings and several weapon related offenses.