Hamas terror cell apprehended 22 Mar 2015

Hamas terror cell apprehended in Qalqilya

    Members of the terror cell in Qalqilya affiliated with Hamas confessed to plotting a series of terror attacks against Israelis, as well as revealing dozens of kilograms of chemical substances used to manufacture explosive devices.
  • icon_zoom.png
    Chemical substances uncovered as a result of the operation Chemical substances uncovered as a result of the operation Copyright: IDF Spokesperson
    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)

    In a joint IDF and ISA operation, in cooperation with Israeli police, a terror cell affiliated with the Hamas terror organization, was arrested in Qalqilya, in the West Bank. The perpetrators, confessed to plotting a series of terror attacks against Israelis, as well as revealing dozens of kilograms of chemical substances used to manufacture explosive devices.

    During the investigation, members of the terror cell conveyed detailed information on a weaponry lab, located in an apartment in central Nablus, in which the perpetrators manufactured the explosive devices indented to be detonated against Israeli civilians. The Hamas operatives admitted to be recruited to the military branch of the terror organization while residing in Jordan. They were then trained by Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and transferred to Judea and Samaria for further terrorist and recruitment activities. In addition, the terror squad was instructed by Hamas officials in the Gaza Strip to carry out attacks in Judea and Samaria during Operation Protective Edge.

    The following individuals were arrested as a result of the operation:

    • Abdallah Mohammed Yousef Zetawi (1989), resident of Jamma'in
    • Waleed Mohammed Abu Zina (1989), resident of Jenin\
    • Malec Raad Farouk Janam (1993), resident of Immatin, a member of the Hamas student association (Al-Kutla al-Islamiya), at An Najah University in Nablus
    • Raja Khalid Raja Sabra (1993), resident of Brukin, a student at An Najah University in Nablus
    • Jasser Mohamed Saeed Abu Omar (1973), resident of Jamma'in
    • Baha Al Din Fathi Mahmoud Soan (1982), resident of Immatin