Hamas infrastructure uncovered 8 December 2016

Hamas infrastructure uncovered

    Members of the infrastructure planned various terrorist attacks including shooting attacks and abduction in order to bargain for the release of prisoners.
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    Israel Security Agency Israel Security Agency
    ​(Communicated by the ISA)
    The following has been cleared for publication:
    In the framework of a combined ISA, IDF and Border Police operation, a Hamas infrastructure was uncovered. Members of the infrastructure – Hamas activists from Tzurif and Hebron – planned various terrorist attacks including shooting attacks and abduction in order to bargain for the release of prisoners. They also carried out observations, in preparation for the aforesaid attacks, of IDF forces in the Tzurif area. Investigation of the infrastructure members by the ISA led to the discovery of considerable war materiel.
    Among the main persons involved is security prisoner Ibrahim Abdallah Ghneimat, born in 1958, a resident of Tzurif, who is serving a life sentence for his involvement in a series of deadly terrorist attacks in the 1990s including the abduction and murder of IDF soldier Sharon Edri.
    In the framework of the investigation, the following Hamas activists were also arrested:
    * Fadi Ibrahim Ghneimat, resident of Tzurif, the son of Ibrahim Ghneimat;
    * Shadi Ibrahim Ghneimat, resident of Tzurif, the son of Ibrahim Ghneimat, served as head of the cell;
    * Mahmoud Mahmoud Ghneimat, resident of Tzurif, son-in-law of Ibrahim Ghneimat;
    * Kheitam Naim Hamidan – resident of Jeba, assisted in hiding war materiel;
    * J'ad Sultan – resident of Hebron, weapons trafficker who supplied the infrastructure with some of its weaponry;
    * Rami Rajoub – resident of Dura, who, together with Ibrahim Ghneimat, while they were in prison, planned an abduction.
    During the investigation considerable war materiel and weapons were confiscated including two AK-47s, three pistols, a hunting rifle, a long-barreled M-16, a short-barreled M-16, clips and ammunition.
    The investigations of the detainees have concluded. The IDF prosecutor in Judea and Samaria is due to file indictments against the suspects in the coming days.
    The uncovering of the infrastructure reveals the high motivation of Hamas militants, both in the field and in prison, to carry out severe attacks including shootings and abductions.
    The ISA, IDF, Israel Prison Service and the Israel Police will continue their constant efforts to uncover and thwart the actions of terrorist cells that seek to carry out attacks.