Grad rocket from Gaza hits Beersheba, IDF responds

Grad rocket from Gaza hits Beersheba, IDF responds

    A Grad rocket fired from the Gaza Strip exploded in a Beersheba residential neighborhood Wednesday evening (23 Feb). Damage was caused to several homes and vehicles. Ten people, including four children, were treated for shock.

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)

    In response to rocket fire from Gaza at the city of Beersheba and other western Negev communities, the IAF targeted a terrorist squad in the northern Gaza Strip, at the location from which rockets were fired towards the Beersheba earlier tonight (23 February). A direct hit was confirmed.

    The IAF targeted also several hubs of terror during an extensive operation in the Gaza Strip. Hits were confirmed.

    Earlier, an explosive device was detonated on an IDF force performing routine activity near the security fence in the northern Gaza Strip. Shortly after, a mortar shell was fired at the force and five additional mortar shells were fired into Israeli territory, landing in the Sdot Negev Regional Council. The force eventually identified a number of terrorists in the same area and returned fire. A direct hit was confirmed.
    In the past two months, more than 12 explosive devices were laid along the security fence, exploding on IDF forces. Two explosive devices were exposed by an IDF force yesterday in the southern Gaza Strip and detonated under controlled conditions.


    During the weekend, IAF aircraft targeted several terror activity sites in the Gaza Strip in response to the barrage of rocket fire at the Israeli home front.

    On Friday night (25 February), IAF aircraft targeted a number of sites in the central Gaza Strip. On Saturday (26 February), IAF aircraft targeted a terror tunnel and two terror activity sites in the southern Gaza Strip. The terror tunnel was intended to be used by terrorists to infiltrate into Israel and to carry out terror attacks against Israeli civilians and IDF soldiers.

    Since the beginning of 2011, over 50 Kassam rockets, mortar shells and Grad missiles have been fired at Israel's southern communities and cities. Since Wednesday, four rockets have hit Beersheba and the Sdot Negev Regional Council.