Escalation in terror from the Gaza Strip 17 October 2018

Escalation in terror from the Gaza Strip: rocket hits house in Be’er Sheva

    The nine people injured in this morning’s rocket attack were treated by MDA first responders and emergency medical teams. Two were later evacuated to Soroka Hospital in Be’er Sheva.
  • icon_zoom.png
    The house in Be’er Sheva after it was hit by the rocket launched from Gaza The house in Be’er Sheva after it was hit by the rocket launched from Gaza Copyright: IDF Spokesperson
    ​(Communicated by the MDA Spokesperson)

    A rocket launched from the Gaza Strip landed on a private house in Be'er Sheva this morning (Wednesday, 17 October 2018).

    No one was physically injured by the rocket.

    Magen David Adom EMTs and paramedics treated a 50 year old woman and a 40 year old man in mild condition after they fell whilst running to the shelter. After receiving initial treatment they were evacuated to Soroka Hospital. The MDA teams also treated a 20-year-old woman suffering from stress symptoms.

    In addition, the residents of the house hit by the rocket, a 39 year old woman and her 3 children aged 9, 10 and 12 and two of their neighbors are being treated for stress symptoms.

    In total, nine people were treated by MDA

    MDA Negev Regional Director, Itsik Alfasi:
    "As soon as we heard the sirens, MDA teams were on full alert throughout the city, put on protective gear and got on the ambulances. As soon as the MDA 101 Emergency Dispatch Center received a report of a direct hit on a house, first responders on medi-cycles, ambulances and mobile intensive care units raced to the scene. When we arrived, we saw the damage and we checked to make sure there were no injured."

    MDA teams are still on high alert and are prepared.