Cross-border attack from Gaza 24 December 2014

Cross-border attack from Gaza

    ​In response to the unprovoked attack, in which an IDF combat soldier from the Bedouin Reconnaissance Battalion was severely wounded, the IDF targeted Hamas positions in Gaza with tank fire and an airstrike.
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    Israel Defense Forces Israel Defense Forces
    ​Following is a summary of events near the Gaza border earlier today (Wednesday, 24 December) according to media reports:
    Today's events began with Palestinian sniper fire, including machine gun fire, on IDF troops protecting construction workers on the Israeli side of the border with the southern Gaza Strip. The laborers were working on the border fence near Kibbutz Kissufim.

    As a result of the attack, an IDF combat soldier from the Bedouin Desert Reconnaissance Battalion suffered a severe chest injury and was evacuated to hospital for further medical treatment. The soldier's family has been notified.  
    In response to the unprovoked attack, the IDF targeted Hamas positions in Gaza with tank fire and an airstrike. According to Palestinian sources, the commander of the Hamas al-Qassam Brigades' observation unit was killed in the exchange of fire.
    This morning's attack follows the launch of a rocket from Gaza into southern Israel on Friday (19 December). In response to that attack, the Israel Air Force struck a Hamas installation in the Gaza Strip, the first Israeli retaliatory strike since the summer's conflict with Hamas.

    Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, IDF Spokesman: "This attack, the second this week, is a lethal violation of the relative quiet along the Gaza border and is a blatant breach of Israel's sovereignty. The IDF will continue to use all necessary means in order to maintain the safety of the citizens of southern Israel and will not hesitate to respond to any attempt to harm IDF soldiers."

    Prime Minister Netanyahu: "Our policy is clear - a strong and vigorous response in the face of any attempt to violate the quiet in the south. We will respond strongly to any attempt to violate the quiet that was achieved in the south after Operation Protective Edge."