Binyamin area terrorists apprehended 19 February 2017

ISA press release: Binyamin area terrorists apprehended

    The arrest of two 17-year-old minors, along with two improvised "Carlo" weapons, shows the involvement of minors in severe terrorist actions as well as the tangible security danger posed by the accessibility of improvised weapons.
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    Israel Security Agency Israel Security Agency
    ​ (Communicated by the ISA)
    The following has been cleared for publication:
    The Israel Security Agency (ISA), in cooperation with the IDF and the Israel Police, last month, carried out an extensive operation to solve shooting attacks that had been committed along main roads in the Binyamin area. A few hours after the shooting attack that was perpetrated on 27 January 2017, two 17-year-old minors, residents of Dir Abu Mishal in the western Binyamin area, were arrested.
    In their ISA investigation it was learned that the two had committed shooting attacks against Israeli vehicles, in the western Binyamin area, not far from the community of Halamish (Neveh Tzuf), on 14 November 2016 and 27 January 2017. The two were also involved in additional attacks. There were no injuries in any of the incidents.
    Two improvised "Carlo" weapons were seized; ballistics tests showed that they matched shell casings found at the attack scenes.
    The foregoing again shows the involvement of minors in severe terrorist actions as well as the tangible security danger posed by the accessibility of improvised weapons.
    The ISA, along with the IDF and Israel Police, views these acts of terrorism with utmost gravity and will act to prevent and thwart terrorist activity and attacks.