Support for Palestinian football 16 Sept 2013

Support for Palestinian football

    The designated joint team will arrange joint football activities and coordinate the PA's games, while encouraging and further developing the sport.
    (Communicated by COGAT - Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories - and the Israel Football Association)

    At a meeting held on Sunday (15 September 2013), Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories Major-General Eitan Dangot and Israel Football Association Chairman Avi Luzon agreed upon the establishment of a joint mechanism for supporting Palestinian football activity.

    The topics discussed in the meeting included, inter alia, issues such as meetings between football teams within the PA territories and inter-regional activities outside of them.

    As part of the meeting, it was decided to establish a designated team, working along with the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, which would include the Israel Football Association, the PA Ministry of Civil Affairs in the PA and PA sport bodies. The team will arrange joint football activities and coordinate the PA's games, while encouraging and further developing the sport.

    Following the meeting, it was decided that Major-General Eitan Dangot and PA Civil Affairs Minister Hussein Al-Sheikh would coordinate on the issue.