Israeli economic steps benefiting the West Bank and Gaza Strip

Israeli economic steps benefiting the West Bank and Gaza Strip

    Israel has recently approved additional permits for workers and merchants to enter Israeli territory from the West Bank. 16 projects in the Gaza Strip funded by the international community have been approved.

    The West Bank

    Economic Steps:

    1. Employment:

    a. Recently Israel approved 8,000 permits for workers to enter Israeli territory, 5,000 permits for construction workers and 3,000 permits for olive harvest. Overall the working permits quota is 41,450, however to date the Palestinians are only making use of 33,500 permits. The quota in the settlements is 24,660 permits.

    b. Increasing by 2,000 permits the lodging quota (which allows Palestinians to stay overnight in Israeli territory) for workers who meet the criteria of men over the age of 30 that are married. After this addition, the overall quota rose to 7,000 permits.

    2. Merchants - increasing by 1,000 permits the quota for Palestinian merchants allowed into Israel. After this addition, the overall quota rose to 17,750 permits.


    1. The reinforcement of the electricity provision (7 MW) in the Jenin district is in implementation.

    2. There are 14 projects, primarily clinics and schools, in Area C (the territory under sole Israeli control) which are part of the "Fast Track" process.

    The Gaza Strip

    1. 100 million NIS (approximately USD 25 million) has been transferred from the West Bank to the Gaza Strip, to assist in dealing with cash-flow difficulties.

    2. The connection of the pipe in Nahal Oz has been completed. This pipe will allow the future implementation of the transfer of an additional 5 million cubic meters of water to the Gaza Strip.

    3. There has been specific marketing from Gaza to the PA in the West Bank, including of textiles and furniture. For example, 4 truckloads of furniture were transferred to the West Bank for PA schools on 23 September.

    4. Secondary and specific raw materials for the private sector and 10 refrigerated trucks for supporting agriculture were released to the Gaza Strip.

    5. The vehicle quota was increased from 80 vehicles to 100 vehicles per week.

    6. 16 projects funded by the international community have been approved.


    Projects funded by the international community

    in the Gaza Strip:


    Construction of a Standard School in Al-Fardous, Beit Lahia #1


    Construction of a Standard School in Al-Fardous, Beit Lahia  #2

    Construction of an L type School at Rafah & Ibn Sina Elem Boys

    Construction of a school at Salah al-Din #2

    Construction of standard L type school in Mustaf Hafez school

    Construction of a green school in Khan Younis

    The Emirates neighborhood project- Construction of 449 Housing Units in Khan Yunis


    Repair of 72 shelters all over Gaza Strip (CIDA)

    Rehabilitation of Salah al Din regional road


    Constructing of main pressure lines in Khan Younis


    Development of infrastructure at Rafah Camp and surrounding areas

    Development of sewage, drainage, and water systems at the Bureij Camp and surrounding area



    Rehabilitation of major roads in the Gaza Strip: The Salah al Din road and Al Kamra road (east of Gaza city)



    UXOs Clearance and improvement of solid waste services in the Gaza Strip- Composting Site in Rafah PAL10-00071646
