Israel upgrades humanitarian response

Israel upgrades humanitarian response

    Foreign Ministry establishes a high-level contact team to address the humanitarian aspects of the ongoing situation in Gaza.

    (Communicated by the Foreign Ministry Spokesman)

    Israel's Foreign Ministry has established a high-level humanitarian contact team for the donor and relief community as part of the effort to address the humanitarian aspects of the ongoing situation in Gaza.

    Foreign Ministry Director General, Aaron Abramovich, notified representatives of the international donor community and humanitarian relief organizations of the new contact structure and its planned role at an urgent meeting convened this evening at the MFA in Jerusalem. Abramovich briefed the international representatives on Israel's efforts to help meet the humanitarian needs of the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza and Israel's commitment to working with the international donor community and the humanitarian relief organizations to that end. Representatives of the aid community were also invited to share their views with the Israeli side, and related their concerns and needs.

    Foreign Ministry Deputy Director Generals Yossi Gal and Aharon Leshno-Yaar will stand at the head of the high-level contact team, which will also include a 24-hour-a-day contact point for humanitarian issues in the MFA's situation room. These measures are designed to add a new, policy level dimension to the dialogue with the donor and humanitarian relief organizations, in addition to the ongoing contacts on the ground with the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories.

    In his remarks, Director General Abramovich praised the work of the donor community and the humanitarian relief organizations, and explained that the decision to upgrade Israel's efforts to find solutions to the humanitarian issue derives from a fundamental commitment to the same humanitarian values that guide the aid and donor community.

    "Despite the complex context that the ongoing Palestinian terror places us in, we do not want to see the Palestinian people suffering and we do not want the relief organizations to lack for anything in their work", remarked the Director General. "If we are to achieve this common goal, it is important that we listen to each other and work together with maximum transparency and maximum constructiveness."

    The two sides agreed to convene again, and if necessary at regular intervals, in accordance with developments on the ground.