Implementation of policy towards the Gaza Strip-Update July 2011

Implementation of policy towards the Gaza Strip-Update July 2011

    Israel is working with the international community and the Palestinian Authority to advance and to streamline the approval processes for internationally funded projects.

    (Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories)

    Israel is working with the international community and the Palestinian Authority to advance and to streamline the approval processes for internationally funded projects. To this end a coordination and monitoring mechanism for internationally funded projects has been established, subject to security considerations.

    This week, the Coordinator of Government Activities in Territories, Major General Eitan Dangot, met with representatives of the Palestinian Authority and updated them about the measures approved for the holiday in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

    163 internationally funded projects have been approved so far. Since the cabinet's decision 149 new projects have been approved. The Cabinet's decision specified that projects in the fields of education, water, sewage, housing and health would be prioritized. Projects in these fields constitute 72% of all the projects that have been approved for implementation in the Gaza Strip. At the end of June 2011, 33 projects were complete and 59 others were in the implementation stages. 279,781 tons of construction materials have been transferred for these projects.

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