Humanitarian aid to Gaza during IDF operation

Humanitarian aid to Gaza during IDF operation

    Throughout the IDF operation in Gaza, Israel continued to ensure that the civilian population in the Gaza Strip received food, medicines and other humanitarian necessities. 

    During the Israeli operation in Gaza:

    • 37,159 tons of humanitarian aid on 1503 trucks were transferred via the Kerem Shalom and Karni crossings (food, medication and medical supplies)
      - Live video feed of the Kerem Shalom crossing into Gaza
    • 1,535,750 liters of heavy duty diesel for the Gaza power station
    • 234 tons of gas for domestic use
    • 188,000 liters of diesel for UNRWA vehicles and needs
    • 3,896 tons of grain, on 98 trucks were transferred via the Karni conveyor belt
    • 20 ambulances were donated by the governments of Turkey and Jordan, and 10 ambulances transferred to the Gaza Strip by the ICRC in order to meet the needs of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society
    • 449 dual nationals were evacuated via the Erez Crossing
    • 68 chronically ill people and their escorts made their way from Gaza to Israel, the West Bank and Jordan
    • 37 employees of international organizations and medical staff entered Gaza via the Erez Crossing
    • A forward medical clinic was established at Erez by Magen David Adom
    • Numerous medical movements took place via Rafah, including at least 25 ambulances

    - Daily updates of humanitarian aid

    Hamas abuse of the humanitarian effort:

    • Use of ambulances to mobilize terrorists
    • Terrorist tunnel aimed at disrupting the Nahal Oz and Karni crossings
    • Launching and firing from the immediate vicinity of international installations (UNRWA hospitals etc.)
    • Launching and shooting from within populated areas, schools and homes
    • Terrorist activities formulated and carried out from mosques, including storage of rockets
    • Abuse of the humanitarian recess to launch increased amount of rockets
    • Prevention of medical evacuation of Palestinians to Israel

    Summary of humanitarian aid to Gaza

    Number of trucks
    Medical equipment & medicine supply, 5 ambulances and car equipment
    Food, Medical equipment & medicine supply, candles, generators
    Medical equipment & medicine supply
    Medical equipment & medicine supply
    Medical equipment
    Medical equipment
    (3,124 blood units)
    Food, blankets, Medical equipment & medicine supply and blood units
    Kingdom of Jordan
    Medical equipment, food, blood units
    Medical equipment
    Medical equipment & medicine supply, 5 ambulances, food
    Food, blankets, medical equipment & medicine
    Other organizations
    Total International community
    Medical equipment & medicine supply and food
    Private sector
    (International community & Private sector)

    Fuel supplies to the Gaza Strip 

    Fuel & Gas
    Nahal Oz
    Diesel fuel for the power plant
    892,800 liter
    Nahal Oz
    Transport diesel fuel for UNRWA
    188,000 liter
    Kerem Shalom
    Diesel fuel for the power plant
    642,950 liter


    Total diesel fuel
    1,723,750 liter


    Cooking gas
    234 ton

    * * *

    Since the beginning of Operation Cast Lead on December 27, 2008, Israeli defense officials at the Coordination and Liaison Administration (CLA) have been working together with the international organizations in the Gaza Strip as well as various governments in order to assess the humanitarian needs, requirements and make the necessary response. Since the beginning of the operation, and on a daily basis, the international community has been able to increase the amount of goods supplied to Gaza.

    While determined to confront Hamas terrorism, the humanitarian situation of innocent Palestinian civilians in Gaza is for Israel a top priority. Israel makes every effort to avoid a humanitarian crisis and cooperate and coordinate constantly and closely with the internaitonal humanitarian organizations. Currently there exists no such calamity - international aid groups have even asked that Israel briefly suspend shipments since there is no more room in their Gaza waehouses.

    During the first week of the operation, 401 trucks of humanitarian supplies and medical equipment passed through into Gaza with the assistance of Israel, and despite the danger the Hamas attacks pose to the carriers of these humanitarian shipments themselves. These shipments included food, WHO medical equipment, Red Cross relief equipment, UNRWA donations, Palestinian private sector trucks, as well as donations from European and Arab countries. Ten ambulances entered the Gaza Strip from Israel. During the next days ICRC surgical teams are due to enter Gaza to help the Shifa Hospital teams. The Israel Electric Company is working to restore the capabitilies of the electric grid in Gaza. Israel will continue to transfer to Gaza all humanitarian aid that is received, in coordination with the aid organizations.

    The Joint Humanitarian Coordination Center (JHCC) was established by COGAT and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to provide a main point of contact for the international organizations, the activities of the JHCC are coordinated and implemented in the field by COGAT. Through its twice daily meetings with the international organizations that work in Gaza, the JHCC is able to expedite real-time humanitarian solutions to problems that occur in the field as well as to facilitate the transfer of humanitarian goods into Gaza on a daily basis.

    Since January 7, 2009, the IDF is implementing a "humanitarian recess" for three hours on a daily basis, in accordance with the needs and the security situation in the area. Open contacts and a 24-hour "hot line" with the international organizations (UNRWA, ICRC, WHO, WFP, etc.) was established in order to evaluate and coordinate the humanitarian needs and requirements of the Palestinian civilian population. COGAT is also in contact with the Palestinian Authority, the Fatah civilian committee in Gaza and the Palestinian private sector in order to assess the humanitarian needs and requirements and to coordinate the entry of humanitarian products and merchandise into Gaza.

    During this period of time:

    • The international organizations distributed humanitarian equipment and food in distribution centers for the civilian population.
    • Funerals were conducted.
    • Medical movement was coordinated.
    • Movements of international organization representatives were coordinated (for example, supplies to a school in Beit Hanoun that provides shelter, food supplies to the warehouses in northern Gaza).

    Recently, reports have been accumulating saying that  Hamas elements are confiscating food donations sent into Gaza during the current operation. The reports point in particular to the confiscation of flour and its sale, often at outrageous prices.

    On January 11, 2009, in a  Hamas internet forum, surfers complained about the confiscations of flour donations in Dir-al'Balech by Hamas elements. There is also a description of how Hamas transfers the donations to its own warehouses, and distributes them to only two bakeries in the city - Albana Bakery and Al-Tzalah Union Bakery - both of which belong to Hamas (see following screen capture).



    Details of humanitarian aid transferred to the Gaza Strip via Israeli crossings:

    Janaury 18, 2009
    95 trucks carrying food and medical equipment were transferred to Gaza via the Kerem Shalom crossing, as well as 60,000 liters of diesel. An additional 38 trucks delivered 1,463 tons of wheat and other grains at the Karni crossing. 90,000 liters of diesel were transferred via the Nahal Oz fuel terminal.
    Humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip 18-Jan-2009

    January 17, 2009
    51 trucks loaded with 1,135 tons of supplies for UNRWA and the private sector were shipped to Gaza via Kerem Shalom cargo terminal. Also, 115,000 liters of heavy duty diesel were transferred to the Gaza Strip through Kerem Shalom.
    Humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip 16/17-Jan-2009

    January 16, 2009
    76 trucks carrying 3,333 tons of humanitarian aid and 115,000 liters of heavy duty diesel in three fuel tankers were transferred to the Gaza Strip through the Kerem Shalom crossing. The shipment included basic food commodities, medical supplies, dairy products, a large Jordanian donation, medical supplies and powdered milk from the World Health Organization, and a donation from an Israeli peace initiative. At the Karni conveyor, 37 trucks supplied 1,400 tons of grain, including wheat, corn and animal feed were transferred.

    January 15, 2009
    69 trucks carrying humanitarian aid passed through the Kerem Shalom crossing carrying 1,468 tons of food, medical equipment, and other basic supplies.
    Humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip 14/15-Jan-2009

    January 14, 2009
    105 trucks transferred 2,310 tons of flour, dairy products, canned goods, water and medical equipment to Gaza through the Kerem Shalom crossing. Three fuel tankers also transferred 104,000 liters of fuel for the Gaza power station.

    January 13, 2009
    102 trucks containing 2,310 tons of humanitarian aid including basic food commodities, medical supplies and medication were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom crossing. In addition, Also, 156,000 liters of heavy duty diesel for the Gaza power station were conveyed through the Kerem Shalom crossing in four fuel tankers. The commodities included supplies for UNRWA, the World Food Programme, UNICEF, various donations, and goods for the private sector including 208 tons of dairy products and supplies required for maintenance of the water network.
    Humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip 13-Jan-2009

    January 12, 2009
    A total of 120 trucks carrying 3,129 tons of humanitarian aid including basic food commodities, medical supplies and medication were transferred to the Gaza Strip. The commodities included supplies for UNRWA, the World Food Programme, UNICEF a large Jordanian donation and goods for the private sector.
    Humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip 12-Jan-2009

    January 9-11, 2009
    Jan 11:
    91 trucks carry food, medical equipment and other humanitarian aid entered Gaza via the Kerem Shalom crossing.
    Jan 9: 41 trucks carrying food products and electrical equipment entered via the Kerem Shalom crossing. 223 dual nationals were evacuated from Gaza. While most of the population in the Gaza Strip has electricity, work continues to restore additional electrical lines.
    - Video: Israel reconstructs Gaza's electrical infrastructure
    Over the weekend, a total of 132 trucks with 3,339 tons of humanitarian goods were transferred. These goods included basic food commodities, medical supplies, electrical supplies for the Palestinian Energy Authority, a donation of approximately 1000 blood units from Jordan and a total of 42 truck loads for UN bodies.

    January 8, 2009
    Israel transferred 89 humanitarian aid trucks loaded with 2,227 tons of food and medical supplies to Gaza via the Kerem Shalom Crossing, including aid provided by UNRWA, WFP, WHO, ICRC, Jordan and Italy. 315,000 liters of fuel, alongside 143 tons of natural cooking gas were transferred through the Nahal Oz terminal, and 223 foreign nationals were permitted entry to Israel following requests from their respective governments.
    Humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip 8-Jan-2009

    January 7, 2009
    Throughout the day the crossings facilitated the movement of 76 trucks loaded with 2,068 tons of humanitarian goods, comprised of donations from Jordan and Egypt, and aid on behalf of UNRWA, the World Food Programme, the World Health Organization and the International Committee of the Red Cross. Also, 482,000 liters of heavy duty diesel for the power plant, 92,000 liters of diesel for UN humanitarian operations and 43 tons of gas for domestic use were transferred to the Gaza Strip. 
    Ongoing activities are taking place in order to repair additional electrical lines. Nevertheless, most of the population in the Gaza Strip has electricity.
    Humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip 7-Jan-2009: "Humanitarian corridor" labeled a success

    January 6, 2009
    57 trucks loaded with 1,312 tons of humanitarian aid entered the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom crossing. The trucks contained medical supplies, flour, powdered milk, potatoes, barley and more, shipped to Gaza at the request of international organizations including UNRWA, the World Food Programme and the World Health Organization, as well as international  donations on behalf of the governments of Jordan, Egypt and Greece. Israel's humanitarian efforts, in conjuction with international organizations operating in the Gaza Strip, also include medical treatment in Israeli hospitals and infrastructure repairs in the Gaza Strip.
    Humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip 6-Jan-2009

    Photo: IDF Spokesperson

    January 5, 2009
    49 trucks carrying 1,119 tons of food and medicines were transfered to Gaza via the Kerem Shalom crossing, including four, medical equipment and medicines. The aid was donated by international organizations - UNRWA, WFP and the ICRC - and by several countries, including Egypt and Jordan. In addition, 215,000 liters of diesel fuel for the power plant,, 93,000 liters of diesel for the use of various UN organizations and 50 tons of cooking gas for domestic uses were transferred via the Nahal Oz terminal.
    The evacuation of dual nationals is continuing.
    Humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip 5-Jan-2009

    Photo: IDF Spokesperson

    January 2, 2009
    Israel transferred 64 trucks carrying 1,530 tons of humanitarian aid (including basic foodstuffs, medicines and medical supplies, tents and generators) via the Kerem Shalom crossing. Among the trucks were 25 UNRWA trucks, eight trucks of food donated by Turkey, and three trucks of medical equipment from the WHO.
    Humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip 2-Jan-2009

    Trucks loaded with medical and food supplies are transferred via the Kerem Shalom crossing, Jan 2, 2008
    Photo: IDF Spokesperson

    Foreign nationals evacuated from Gaza (Photo: IDF Spokesperson)

    January 1, 2009
    60 trucks, with approximately 1,360 tons of humanitarian aid, medical supplies and medication were conveyed through Kerem Shalom cargo terminal.
    Humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip 1-Jan-2009

    December 31, 2008
    93 truckloads carrying some 2,500 tons of humanitarian aid, medical supplies and medications were transferred through the Kerem Shalom crossing. The World Food Programme notified the Israeli authorities that their food warehouses in the Gaza Strip are full, with a two-week supply, and they do not require further shipments.
    The Nahal Oz fuel crossing remains closed due to continuing fire in the area.
    Twelve Palestinians, including two children, were transferred to Israeli hospitals.
    • Humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip 31-Dec-2008

    Injured Palestinian boy receives medical treatment by Israeli and Palestinian medical personnel at Erez crossing, 31 Dec 2008 (Photo: IDF Spokesperson)
    Injured Palestinian boy receives medical treatment by
    Israeli and Palestinian medical personnel at Erez crossing,
    31 Dec 2008 (Photo: IDF Spokesperson)


    December 30, 2008
    93 truckloads carrying 2,366 tons of humanitarian supplies as well as five ambulances donated by Turkey were transferred to the Gaza Strip. A Red Cross plane arrived with medical supplies for the hospital operating room.
    The aid included food and medicine provided by the World Food Programme, UNRWA, UNICEF, the ICRC, the World Health Organization, Doctors without Borders, and Care International, as well as donations from Egypt, Jordan, Qatar and Turkey.
    Israel increases humanitarian effort to the Gaza Strip - 30-Dec-2008

    December 29, 2008
    63 trucks with 1,545 tons of humanitarian goods (food, medicines and medical supplies) were delivered via the Kerem Shalom crossing. Most of the aid was provided by the International Red Cross, UNRWA, Doctors without Borders, and Care International. Five ambulances from the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) in Ramallah passed through, at the request of the International Red Cross (ICRC). 1,000 units of blood donated by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan were also delivered.
    Although scheduled to open, the Nahal Oz fuel depot remained closed due to rocket attacks nearby.

    Erez crossing: Four people (patients and their escorts), and ten international staff, including a pregnant FAO employee and her Palestinian husband, left the Gaza Strip and crossed into Israel.

    December 28, 2008
    At the request of international organizations (the International Red Cross, UNRWA, WFP) and of the Palestinian National Authority in Ramallah, 23 truckloads of humanitarian goods such as flour, medicines and medical supplies, were transferred via Kerem Shalom crossing.

    63 trucks carrying food and medical supplies as well as 10 ambulances transferred to Gaza on Monday, 29 December
    Photos: IDF Spokesperson

    The Unit for Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories reports daily on the general humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip.

    Humanitarian aid includes food, medicines and medical equipment, tools and materials for esssential humanitarian infrastructures, and a certain amount of diesel fuel. Cement, sand, gravel and steel are not considered to be humanitarian aid.

    Map of the Gaza passages 

    Different crossings are designated for different types of humanitarian aid:

    Karni Crossing:  grains such as wheat, barley, soy beans, corn, sesame seeds, animal feed and aggregate 

    Kerem Shalom and/or Sufa Crossing: food, hygiene products, tools and raw materials for essential infrastructures, medicines and medical equipment; and a myriad of other items - ranging from school books to wheel chairs - needed by the civilian population.

    Nahal Oz: diesel fuel for transportation and for the local Gaza power station, petrol, and gas for cooking and heating, according to an assessment of civilian needs mandated by the Israeli court.

    Erez Crossing: two-way traffic of international organizations' staff between Israel and Gaza ; Gaza residents seeking medical treatment in Israel or the Palestinian Authority, together with the people accompanying them ("medical evacuations"); and Palestinian civilians with various humanitarian needs. This crossing is open every day, even when the other crossings are closed.