Humanitarian and civilian activities in Gaza-monthly report for Nov 2011

Humanitarian and civilian activities in Gaza-monthly report for Nov 2011

    • 5390 truckloads (149,165 tons) of supplies were delivered to the Gaza Strip. • 2,795 Palestinian individuals exited the Gaza Strip through the Erez Crossing. • 66 meetings were held with private businessmen and others.

    (Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories - COGAT)

    During the month of November, 5390 truckloads (149,165 tons) of supplies were delivered into the Gaza strip through the Kerem Shalom Crossing, including:

    • 2521 truckloads of food
    • 19 truckloads of clothing and footwear
    • 127 truckloads of agricultural supplies
    • 19 truckloads of construction materials
    • 41 truckloads of electric products
    • 32 truckloads of ceramics and plumbing materials
    • 33 truckloads of sports equipment, vehicles, washing machines and refrigerators

    A total of 3187 tons of cooking gas were transferred into the Gaza Strip.

    Transfer of merchandise to the Gaza Strip - last four months

    Movement and permits

    Overall, 2,563 permits were issued to Palestinians for exiting the Gaza Strip; including:

    • 1,336 permits for medical treatment (682 patients and 654 accompanying individuals)
    • 90 permits for international organization employees
    • 5 permits to attend medical conventions
    • 120 permits to attend wedding, funerals and family visits
    • 1,340 Palestinian businessmen exited the Gaza Strip

    Projects status

    To date 176 projects, funded by the international community were approved, of which 35 projects were completed and 70 are under implementation.