Hamas refuses to allow flotilla aid into Gaza Strip

Hamas refuses to allow flotilla aid into Gaza Strip

    Hamas continues to prevent the transfer of the humanitarian aid which has been unloaded at the Kerem Shalom security crossing.

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson and CoGAT)

    As of  2 June (18:30), the State of Israel has loaded 20 trucks with various types of aid found onboard the flotilla. Expired medication, clothing, blankets, some medical equipment and toys were among the aid found on the ships.

    Unfortunately, the Hamas terror organization is unwilling to accept the cargo and the trucks filled with humanitarian aid have not been allowed to enter the Gaza Strip. It appears that Hamas is in fact stopping the transfer of the humanitarian aid.

    Update (3 June, 22:30): The humanitarian aid cargo of the Gaza flotilla continues being transferred to the Gaza Strip. So far, 30 trucks have been loaded with clothing, blankets, school bags, mattresses, baby safety seats, cupboards, and medical equipment such as motorized carts, wheel chairs, x-ray glasses, bandages, hospital beds and medications, as well as other goods.

    Some of the medication brought by the flotilla has passed its expiration date by more than a year. Also found on the ships was fabric in camouflage colors, apparently meant for Hamas terror operatives.

    Hamas continues to prevent the transfer of the humanitarian aid which has been unloaded at the Kerem Shalom security crossing. The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) will continue to work closely with international bodies and the Palestinian Authority in order to organize the transfer of the goods into the Gaza Strip.

    During the week of 30 May - 5 June 2010, 484 truckloads (12,413 tons) of aid were transferred from Israel to the Gaza Strip via the land crossings. 
    The commodities included: cooking oil, milk powder, baby food, rice, legumes, wheat, fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, chicken and fish products, flour, dairy products, animal feed, salt, sugar, hygiene products, medicine and medical equipment, cement, iron, clothing and footwear.

    Also transferred in the course of the week were 994,026 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the power station, 748 tons of cooking gas, 44,500 liters of gasoline, and 43,000 liters of heavy-duty diesel fuel for transportation.

    192 international organization staff members entered Israel and 213 entered the Gaza Strip via the Erez Crossing.
    373 patients and accompanying individuals crossed from the Gaza Strip into Israel and the West Bank.