Israel assists first-ever Gaza spice export

Israel assists first-ever Gaza spice export

    In addition to the usual agricultural exports-such as peppers, tomatoes, strawberries and flowers-Gaza farmers are for the first time exporting herbs and spices.

    (Communicated by COGAT, IDF Spokesperson)

    Gaza farmers successfully completed their inaugural herb and spice export through the Kerem Shalom Crossing with the export of one ton of basil. Gaza farmers are adding spices to a growing list of agricultural exports, which until now has included peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, and flowers.

    The new export is a significant accomplishment for Gaza farmers and merchants, as the average revenue per spice truck is roughly 40,000 NIS, compared with approximately 25,000 NIS per truck of other heavier produce.

    The entire project was initiated by the Gaza District Coordination and Liaison Office and coordinated with the Khan Younis Association and the Arava Export Growers as a part of the Israel's ongoing support for agricultural development in the Gaza Strip. Farmers in Gaza were given training sessions on how to grow herbs and spices and were then provided with seedlings from Israel. Care was taken at the Kerem Shalom Crossing to ensure that the produce underwent inspection in refrigerated conditions in order as not to harm the produce.

    The first export consisted of one truck carrying a ton of densely packed spices. The spice export will continue throughout the season via the Kerem Shalom crossing. Last year agricultural exports from Gaza totaled some 460 tons of strawberries, 160 tons of tomatoes, 58 tons of peppers and 8.8 million units of flowers. The spices will be exported to the European market.