Humanitarian & Civilian Activities vis-a-vis the Gaza Strip-Monthly ReportOctober 2010

Humanitarian & Civilian Activities vis-a-vis the Gaza Strip-Monthly ReportOctober 2010

    COGAT-Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories

    Following is a report regarding the civilian and humanitarian activities in the Gaza Strip undertaken by the Israeli authorities during the month of October 2010:

    According to the Cabinet’s decision to expand the civilian policy towards the Gaza Strip, Israel has implemented the following measures:

    The capacity of the Kerem Shalom crossing has been increased by 170% so that 250 truckloads can enter the Gaza Strip via Kerem Shalom on a daily basis.

    The list of controlled items to the Gaza Strip was published on July 5, 2010. The list can be viewed on the Prime Minister's Office website.

    Facilitating international projects
    o 14 projects were approved prior to the Cabinet’s decision.
    o 31 projects were approved in the first package.
    o 22 projects were approved in the second package.

     A joint COGAT - PA team was established in order to promote projects that are funded and supervised by the international community.

     A joint team of COGAT, the MOD Crossing Authority and the PA was established in order to enhance the capacity of the existing operational crossings.

    Main Points
    -During the month there was a 21% increase in the volume of truckloads entering the Gaza strip through the Kerem Shalom crossing and Karni Conveyor.
    -During the month there was a 2% decrease in the volume of heavy duty diesel delivered to the power plant, and a 14% increase in cooking gas delivered into the Gaza Strip.
    -During the month, 2,569 Palestinians entered Israel, West Bank and abroad.
    -84% increase in number of businessmen that exit the Gaza Strip during the month.
    -During the month 223 international staff members entered\exited the Gaza Strip.  
    -During the month 59 diplomatic delegations entered the Gaza strip (223 diplomats).
    13.5 million dollars were delivered for UNRWA staff salaries.

    A meeting between the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories and businessmen from Gaza was held on October 12th in which the businessmen reported on the improvements in the economy in the Strip since the expansion of the civilian policy.

    Movements and Permits
    During the month, 2,569 Palestinians exited the Gaza Strip through Erez crossing.
    Overall 2,794 permits were issued for Palestinians to cross through Erez, including:
    o 1,456 permits for medical cases- 725 patients and 731 companions, to receive medical treatment in Israel, the West Bank and abroad.
    o 2 permits were issued for embassy visa interviews.
    o 23 permits were issued for attendance in conventions and professional medical seminars.
    o 91 permits were issued for traveling abroad.  
    780 businessmen exited the Gaza Strip.

    Projects Implementation Status

     The transfer of equipment for approved projects in the Gaza strip has continued according to the coordination with the international organizations.
    Implementation of approved projects:
    o The northern water treatment plant - Part B (World Bank) - 44 truckloads of cement, iron and other equipment were delivered during the month.
    o The water treatment plant in Sheikh Aglin (KFW) - 86 truckloads of materials and equipment were delivered this month. 
    o 900 Greenhouses (USAID)- 15 truckloads were delivered during the month.
    o Agricultural Family Plots (USAID) - agricultural inputs (7 truckloads) were delivered during the month.
    o Rehabilitation of “The Right to Live” society house (USAID)- One truckload was transferred.
    o Riad School in Rafah (UNRWA)- 32 truckloads of aggregates and other materials were transferred.
    o Building 8 classrooms in Za’arah School (UNRWA)- One truckload of materials was transferred.
    o Rehabilitation of medical center in Nutzirat (UNRWA)- 21 truckloads of equipment and materials were transferred.
    o Building 5 housing units in Um-Nazer (UNRWA)- 7 truckloads were transferred.
    o Building 7 housing units in Han-Yunis (UNRWA)- 9 truckloads were transferred.

    Activities of the International Community
      15 Palestinians with scholarships exited the Gaza Strip for academic studies abroad.
      90 Palestinian international organization employees exited the Gaza Strip.
      59 diplomatic delegations entered the Gaza Strip during the month.
      During this month 11 donation requests were approved.
      During the month 208 truckloads were transferred according to the request of international organizations (including 150 computers for educational project of the USAUD).     

    Humanitarian Infrastructure
    -During the month the supply of electricity and water from Israel was maintained.
    -The transfer of fuel continued throughout the month, according to the PA’s requests:
    o 7,961,535 liters of heavy duty diesel for the power plant were transferred.
    o 3,306 tons of cooking gas were transferred into the Gaza strip.
    o 78,499 liters of gasoline were transferred.
    o 370,005 liters of diesel for transportation were transferred. 

    Maintenance equipment was transferred for infrastructures according to the PA’s requests:
    o One truckload of equipment for the Palestinian Power Plant was delivered.
    o 12 truckloads of equipment were delivered for the Palestinian Energy Authority.
    o 3 truckloads of equipment for the water authority were delivered.  
      During September, 6 truckloads of Equipment for G'awal communication Company and 6 truckloads of equipment for "Paltal" communication Company were transferred. 

    Details of commodities
    During the month 4,356 trucks entered the Gaza Strip, including:
    Clothing & footware    118 
    Electric Products    246
    Food    1,715 
    Housewares    79  
    Construction Materials    143 
    Vehicles    160 
    Inputs to Agriculture    138