Gaza Strip land crossings weekly status report 14-20 November 2010

Gaza Strip land crossings weekly status report 14-20 November 2010

    This week, 561 truckloads (15,320 tons) of goods were unloaded at the crossings, in addition to fuel.

    Crossing status weekly report

    Communicated by COGAT (Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories)

    Overall, 561 truckloads (15,320 tons) were unloaded at the crossings. There was less than average activity due to the Eid el-Adha holiday.


    79 Int. Org. staff members entered Israel.
    73 Int. Org. staff members entered the Gaza Strip.
    164 patients and accompanying individuals crossed into Israel and the West Bank.

    Kerem Shalom

    321 truckloads (5,820 tons) were imported to the Gaza Strip.
    1,236,904 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the power plant were transferred.
    452 tons of cooking gas were transferred.
    43,000 liters of gasoline were transferred.

    Karni Conveyor

    240 truckloads (9,500 tons) were imported to the Gaza Strip.

     Fuel transfer

                       Diesel fuel for        Gasoline           Cooking Gas 
              power station (liters)       (liters)                    (tons)
                   396,457                                                    159
    15/11               522,447                  43,000                      158
                   318,000                                                     135
    Totals          1,236,904                   43,000                       452


    Merchandise in Truckloads

    Food Products

    Wheat 44
     Salt 2
     Cooking Oil 5
     Legumes 4
     Produce (Fruits and Vegetables) 23
     Meat, Chicken and Fish Products 4
     Flour 2
     Dairy Products 21
     Sugar 16
     Mixed\ Additional Food Products 71
    Total Food Products 192

    Construction materials 

    Aggregates  119
     Glass , Aluminum and Wood Profiles 1
    Total Construction materials 120

    Animal Feed 78
    Ceramics and Plumbing  24
    Electric Products 15
    Inputs to Agriculture 14
    Hygiene Products 15
    Medicine and Medical Equipment 3
    Clothing and footwear 15
    Essential Humanitarian Products 72
    Mixed\ Additional Products 13

    Total Truckloads 561
    Total Weight (tons) 15,320