Humanitarian & civilian activities towards the Gaza Strip-Monthly report for April 2011

Humanitarian & civilian activities towards the Gaza Strip-Monthly report for April 2011

    COGAT (Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories) monthly report

    Main Points

    •   On April 19th and 25th Kerem Shalom was closed due to the Passover holiday.
    •   There was a 55.5% decrease in the volume of truckloads transferred through the crossings in comparison with last month. 
    •   Due to the end of the strawberries and cherry tomatoes season, there was a 83% decrease in the amount of truckloads exported from the Gaza Strip.
    •   There was a 22% decrease in the number of patients and accompanying individuals who entered Israel for medical purposes. 
    •   International Projects Status: up to today 130 projects have been approved, of which 20 have been completed and 50 are being implemented. 
    •   During the month, coordination meetings with representatives of the PA were held on a regular basis. 

    Security Situation
      - During the month 140 rockets and mortar shells were launched at Israeli population and civilian targets.    
      - Since the beginning of 2011, 338 rockets and mortar shells were launched at Israeli population and civilian targets.

    Movement and Permits
     2,965 Palestinians exited the Gaza Strip through Erez Crossing. 
     Overall, 2,834 permits were issued to Palestinians, allowing them to cross through Erez, including:

    • 1,439 permits for medical cases (737 patients and 702 accompanying individuals), enabling them to receive medical treatment in Israel, the West Bank and abroad;
    • 8 permits for embassy visa interviews;
    • 48 permits for international organizations employees;
    • 42 permits for traveling abroad;
    • 43 permits for business meetings.

      684 businessmen exited the Gaza Strip.

    Project Implementation
      During the month, 9 projects were approved:
    • Establishment of 4 schools in Tel Al Hawa (UNRWA).
    • Reconstruction of two roads (UNDP)
    • Establishment of vegetable market (USAID)
    • Establishment of city park (USAID)
    • Improving livelihoods and agriculture (Netherlands) 
      239 truckloads were delivered for 24 projects under implementation.

      The transfer of inputs for internationally funded projects was coordinated by the international organizations.

    Water and Sewage projects
    During the month 151 truckloads of building materials and equipment were delivered for 9 water and sewage projects out of the 28 approved water and sewage projects (4 projects have been completed).

    • Establishment of a Sewage Drainage Network in Beit Lahia (USAID) – 5 truckloads of equipment were delivered this month.
    • Establishment of a Sewage Drainage Network in Khan Yunis (USAID) – 8 truckloads of equipment were delivered this month.
    • Establishment of water reservoir and pumping station in Khan yuins (USAID)-  2 truckloads of equipment were delivered. 
    • Establishment of a Sewage Drainage Network in Ma'an (USAID) – 24 truckloads of aggregates were delivered this month.
    • Establishment of a Sewage Drainage Network in Al Amal (USAID) – 67 truckloads of cement and aggregates were delivered this month.
    • Establishment of a water Network in Khan Yunis (USAID) – 2 truckloads of equipment were delivered this month.
    • Establishment of a Sewage Drainage Network in Khan yunis (USAID) – 4 truckloads of aggregates and equipment were delivered this month.
    • The Northern Wastewater Treatment Plant (WTP) - Part B (World Bank) - 16 truckloads of aggregates were delivered this month.
    • Upgrading of the WTP in Shiekh Ajlin (KFW) – 23 truckloads of aggregates and other equipment were delivered this month.

    Health projects
    During the month 15 truckloads of building materials and equipment were delivered for 4 health projects out of the 14 approved (one project has been completed).

    • Reconstruction of a medical center in Jabalia (UNRWA) – 3 truckloads of cement were delivered this month. 
    • Establishment of a clinic in Saftawi (UNRWA) - 7 truckloads of cement and Iron were delivered this month. 
    • Establishment of Clinic in Khan Yunis (UNRWA) - 3 truckloads of cement, were delivered this month.
    • Reconstruction of Alkahali Hospital in Gaza (UNRWA) - 2 truckloads of equipment were delivered this month.

    Education projects
    During the month 45 truckloads of building materials and equipment were delivered for 6 education projects out of the 41 approved  (5 projects have been completed).

    • Establishment of Boys’ School in Beit Lahia (UNRWA) – 6 truckloads of cement and iron were delivered this month.
    • Reconstruction of Girls’ School in Khan Yunis (UNRWA) – 8 truckloads of Iron and Cement were delivered this month.
    • Establishment of a school in Nuseirat (UNRWA) – 23 truckloads of cement, iron, aggregates and other equipment were delivered this month.
    • Establishment of a school in Nuseirat (UNRWA) (2) – 4 truckloads of cement and iron were delivered this month.
    • Establishment of a school in Ma’an (UNRWA) - 2 truckloads of cement were delivered this month.
    • Establishment of Kindergarten in Bet Hanun (UNRWA) - 2 truckloads of cement were delivered. 

    Housing projects
    During the month 24 truckloads of building materials and equipment were delivered for 4 housing projects out of the 10 approved  (one project has been completed).

    • Construction of 223 housing units in Khan Yunis (UNRWA) - 9 truckloads of Iron and Cement were delivered this month.
    • 12 Housing units in Dir Al Balah (UNRWA)- 13 truckloads of Cement and Aggregates were delivered this month.
    • 8 Housing units in Rafah (UNRWA)- One truckload of Cement was delivered this month.
    • 8 Housing units in Khan Yunis (UNRWA)- One truckload of Cement was delivered this month.

    Agriculture projects
    During the month 4 truckloads of building materials and equipment were delivered for one agriculture project out of the 14 approved  (3 projects have been completed):
    -  Rehabilitation of agricultural plots (USAID) – 4 truckloads of equipment were delivered this month.

           In addition there are 6 other projects in different subjects such as economy and electricity.

    Humanitarian Infrastructure
          Israel maintained a continuous supply of electricity and water to the Gaza Strip.
          Maintenance equipment was transferred for the electricity network, in accordance with the PA’s requests:
    - 5 truckloads of equipment were delivered for the "Jawall" Net line.

    Crossings Activity
    During the month, 2,164 truckloads were delivered into the Gaza Strip through the Kerem Shalom Crossing, including:
    o 31 truckloads of clothing and footwear;
    o 85 truckloads of electric products;
    o 1,053 truckloads of food;
    o 17 truckloads of textiles;
    o 127  truckloads of construction materials;
    o 45 truckloads of inputs for agriculture.

    During the month 294,000 carnations (4 truckloads) were exported.
    Since the beginning of the season (Nov. 28, 2010), 368 tons of strawberries, 9,187,678 carnations, 6.59 tons of cherry tomatoes and 6 tons of bell peppers have been exported to European markets.

    The transfer of cooking gas and fuel for transportation continued throughout the month, in accordance with the PA’s requests:
    o There was a 97% increase in the amount of transportation diesel transferred to UNRWA.
    o There was a 44% decrease in the amount of cooking gas transferred into the Gaza Strip.
    o There was a 47% decrease in the amount of gasoline transferred to UNRWA.

    Goods Delivered to the Gaza Strip, by category

    Product          Truckloads
    Food Products 
          Milk Powder and Baby Formula 8
          Rice 21
          Wheat 123
          Produce (Fruits and Vegetables) 146
          Meat / Chicken / Fish Products 76
          Dairy Products 107
         Sugar 29
          Legumes 1
          Flour  235
          Cooking Oil 35
          Salt 6
          Mixed\Additional Food Products 266
         Total of Food Products 1,053
    Construction Materials
         Aggregates 162
         Glass, Wood Profiles and Aluminum Profiles 86
         Cement 32
         Iron 9
         Total of Construction Materials 289
    Inputs for Agriculture 45
    Electric Products 85
    Clothing & Footwear 31
    Animal Feed 230
    Hygiene Products 49
    Transportation  19
    Textile 17
    Plumbing and Ceramics  131
    Essential Humanitarian Products 281
    Medicine and Medical Equipment 15
    Mixed Products 81
    Total Truckloads 2,326
    Total Weight        57,775