Implementation of Civilian Policy towards the Gaza Strip-one year since the Cabinet decision

Implementation of Civilian Policy towards the Gaza Strip-one year since the Cabinet decision

    In June 2010, Israel removed the limits on commercial goods entering the Gaza Strip via the land crossings. Construction projects are in various stages of approval and implementation.

    Report by COGAT - Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories

    Since the June 2010 Cabinet decision to expand civilian policy towards the Gaza Strip:

    Commercial goods enter the Gaza Strip freely.

    Israel has invested over NIS 50 million in improving infrastructures at the land crossings.

    Only armaments are prohibited from entering the Gaza Strip.

    Dual-use materials and construction materials require approval and supervision.

    Projects in the fields of education, health, sanitation, housing and agriculture -  approved by the PA and funded by the international community - are being implemented.

    Click here to read the full report.