Gaza baby to receive heart surgery in Israel 16 Jul 2014

Gaza baby to receive heart surgery in Israel

    A three month old baby girl from Gaza will be arriving tomorrow morning via the Erez Crossing at Wolfson Medical Center for treatment. "These children are not our enemy," says Irena, head nurse of the pediatric ICU at Wolfson who lives in Ashdod.
    A three month old baby girl from Gaza will be arriving on Thursday morning (July 17, 2014) at Wolfson Medical Center to undergo life-saving heart surgery through Save a Child's Heart (SACH). The baby's condition is severe and without the needed heart treatment she will not survive. She will be brought in a Palestinian ambulance to the Erez Crossing, transferred to an Israeli ambulance and brought to Wolfson hospital in Holon. The Israeli team of doctors and nurses at Wolfson are ready to receive the baby and give her the needed medical intention immediately.

    At the same time tomorrow two Palestinian children from the West Bank will undergo open heart surgeries at the hospital. The two arrived to Wolfson on Tuesday and were diagnosed during the SACH free weekly clinic for Palestinian children. Seven children came to the Tuesday clinic, among them two from the Gaza Strip.

    Here from Hebron, Suha is a very sweet 5-year-old girl. She is at Wolfson Medical Center with her very attentive mother who had to leave Suha's three sisters and one brother at home. Before her surgery she had difficulties breathing and she would sleep all of the time. She is not in school yet but hopefully once she is better she will be able to attend.

    Ali is a very friendly 3-year-old boy from Jericho. When he was baby his grandmother realized that he would turn blue every time he went to eat. The doctors told his family that Ali might not live very long but sent him to a cardiologist anyway. His cardiologist then referred him to Save a Child's Heart.

    Masa 2Masa is an adorable 4-year-old who becomes the center of attention anywhere she goes. Masa has a rare heart defect where she has multiple holes between her right and left ventricles. Despite her condition, she is a very cheerful young girl and her mother is very happy that Masa will be receiving treatment for her heart.

    The life-saving activity of SACH has been continuing at Wolfson during the past few weeks, with the Israeli doctors and nurses saving and treating children from Gaza, Judea and Samaria, Syria and various African countries. The medical team, many of them from Ashdod and other areas which are constantly targeted by missiles from Gaza, say that they won't let politics interfere with SACH mission. "These children are not our enemy", says Irena head nurse of the pediatrc ICU at Wolfson who lives in Ashdod. "It doesn't matter where they are from. If these children will not come to Wolfson and receive treatment, they will have no chance to live."

    The pediatric ICU staff - Jewish, Muslim and Christian - comprises 35 nurses, as well as medical students, medical interns and four senior doctors. Healthcare professionals from many countries come to SACH for training. About half the children admitted through SACH for free treatment come from the Palestinian Authority, Jordan, Iraq and Morocco.

    Save a Child’s Heart (SACH) is an Israeli-based international humanitarian project, whose mission is to improve the quality of pediatric cardiac care for children from developing countries who suffer from heart disease and to create centers of competence in these countries. SACH is totally dedicated to the idea that every child deserves the best medical treatment available, regardless of the child's nationality, religion, color, gender or financial situation.

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