Growth in Gaza's economy-Update

Growth in Gaza's economy-Update

    The GDP in the Gaza Strip has increased more than 30% compared to last year, and the unemployment rate is the lowest recorded in the past 10 years.

    (Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories - COGAT)

    As a result of Israel's civil policy that distinguishes between the civilian population and the terror organization Hamas, the GDP in the Gaza Strip has increased more than 30% compared to last year, and the unemployment rate is the lowest recorded in the past 10 years.


    During the first nine months of 2011, an average of 4,497 truckloads entered the Gaza Strip per month - an increase of 96% compared to 2010.


    - Agricultural goods:

    1. Professional meetings, with the participation of Palestinian farmers from the Gaza Strip and relevant representatives from the international community, were held to explain the export mechanism, and the bureaucratic procedures in the CLA (Coordination and Liaison Administration) and in the Land Crossing Authority were shortened.
    2. The export of agricultural goods from the Gaza Strip began on November 27, 2011.

    - The export of textiles from the Gaza Strip to overseas markets was approved.
    - Although the export of furniture was approved and the required coordination carried out, the furniture factory caught on fire and burned down on November 14.


    Of the 176 projects approved in the Gaza Strip, 35 have been completed, 70 are under implementation and 63  are awaiting tenders, the purchase of materials, etc. Eight projects were canceled by the international community. 

    Project Areas

    Main Projects:

    1. Housing - 1,918 housing units will be rehabilitated or built under the framework of 12 different projects.  Four of these have already been completed; the other 8 are under implementation.
    2. Health - Israel has approved the upgrade of 6 hospitals and the construction and rehabilitation of 7 new clinics. One project has been completed, others are under implementation.
    3. Education - 57 new schools and kindergartens will be rehabilitated or built in the Gaza Strip in 64 different projects.  Seven of them have been completed.  
    4. Water and sewage - 27 infrastructure projects were approved, including construction or rehabilitation of waste water treatment plants such as in Sech Ajlin and the northern WTP.  Six projects have been completed.
    5. Agriculture - 18 agriculture projects were approved; five of them have been completed. The projects approved include building hothouses, cooling rooms for fruits and vegetables, rehabilitating farm lands, wells and water reservoirs, and others.

    Transfer of construction materials for the private sector

    The transfer of raw materials to ten factories owned by the private sector in the Gaza Strip has been approved according to the proper controlling mechanism that Israel and the international community agreed upon. On November 15, 2011 the first shipment of equipment was delivered.

    Movement of people

    1. Every day 100 business persons are allowed to cross from the Gaza Strip into Israel.
    2. Thousands of Palestinians cross the border for medical treatment in Israel.
    3. Professionals and experts exit the Gaza Strip on a daily basis, in order to participate in conventions and conferences.
    4. People exit the Gaza Strip for religious worship and in order to visit religious sites in Israel and abroad.


    Israel has approved an increase of the water quota transferred from Israel to the Gaza Strip, 3 million cubic meters in addition to the 5 million cubic meters transferred today to the Gaza Strip.


    Israel supports and assists UNDP in transferring equipment to the Gaza Strip in order to upgrade its self-production of electricity in the power stations in the Gaza Strip by building a transformer farm adjacent to the power station. The transformer farm will increase the energy production from 60 megawatts to 100-110 megawatts per day.

    GDP and growth

    The GDP in the Gaza Strip in Q2 of 2011 was 426 million dollars, an increase of 30.7% compared to the same period the previous year (the GDP per capita increased 26.4%).

    Diagram 1: GDP in the Gaza Strip (in millions)
    Source: Palestinian CBS

    The construction sector is responsible for over 43% of the growth in the GDP in the Gaza Strip in the time period between Q2 in 2010 and Q2 in 2011, and the services and agriculture sectors are responsible for 15% and 14% of the growth, respectively.


    During Q2 of 2011, the unemployment rate dropped to its lowest rate in the last decade, 25%. The number of employees in the construction sector grew by 4,500 people during Q2 of 2011.