Humanitarian & Civilian Activities towards the Gaza Strip-Monthly Report for September 2011

Humanitarian & Civilian Activities towards the Gaza Strip-Monthly Report for September 2011

    Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT)

    Main Points
    • Overall, 4945 truckloads (136,785 tons) were delivered into the Gaza strip through Kerem Shalom Crossing.
    • This month, 3,295 Palestinian individuals exited the Gaza Strip through Erez crossing.
    • 66 meetings with private businessmen and other representatives were held.

    The transfer of merchandise to the Gaza Strip - last 4 months:
    June  4795
    July  4962
    August  4989
    September 4945

    The transfer of merchandise to the Gaza Strip by sector:

    International organizations  447
    Private sector     4498

    Goods delivered to the Gaza Strip
    • In September, 4945 truckloads (136,785 tons) of commercial goods were delivered through Kerem Shalom Crossing, including:

     1728 truckloads of food.
     54 truckloads of cloths and footwear.
      131 truckloads of unputs for agriculture.
     1503 truckloads of construction materials.
     66 truckloads of electric products.
     261 truckloads of ceramics and plumbing.
     22 truckloads of sport equipment, vehicles, washing machines and refrigerators.
    • The transfer of cooking gas continued throughout the month; overall, 2,575 tons of cooking gas were transferred into the Gaza Strip.

    Projects' Status
    • Until today, 163 projects, funded by the international community, were approved, out of which:
     35 projects were completed.
     57 projects are under implementation. 

    Movement and Permits

    • Overall, 3,045 permits were issued to Palestinians for exiting the Gaza Strip; including:

    o 1,522 permits for medical treatment (762 patients and 760 for accompanying individuals).
    o 57 permits for International Organizations' employees.
    o 26 permits for medical conventions.
    o 33 permits for attending weddings, funerals and visiting family.
    • During September, 1,455 businessmen exited the Gaza Strip.