From briefing by Robert Serry to the UN Security Council

From briefing by Robert Serry to the UN Security Council

    The Secretary-General is following with concern media reports of potential new flotillas to Gaza that can provoke unnecessary confrontations.

    Excerpt from briefing by Robert Serry, Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, to the UN Security Council on the Situation in the Middle East

    The United Nations believes that all assistance and legitimate goods destined to Gaza should be channelled through official crossings and established channels, as requested by the Quartet on 21 June 2010 and the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee on 13 April 2011. In this regard, we continue to urge action to combat smuggling of weapons.

    The Secretary-General is also following with concern media reports of potential new flotillas to Gaza that can provoke unnecessary confrontations. The Secretary-General calls on all Governments concerned to use their influence to discourage such flotillas, which carry the potential for escalation. He further calls on all to act responsibly to avoid any violent incident.