Jewish Historical Connection to Jerusalem 9 October 2016

Jewish Historical Connection to Jerusalem

    With historical heritage sites in this region being systematically destroyed by jihadist forces, it is Israel that defends religious freedom for the three monotheistic faiths against the tide of intolerance sweeping the Middle East.
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    Royal seal impression of King Hezekiah (8th Century BCE), uncovered at the Ophel Excavation, Jerusalem. Royal seal impression of King Hezekiah (8th Century BCE), uncovered at the Ophel Excavation, Jerusalem. Copyright: Photo courtest City of David
    ​Jewish attachment to Jerusalem has been constant from ancient times through modernity. For more than 3,000 years, it has played a central and sustaining role in the history of the Jewish people – politically, spiritually and culturally.

    Jerusalem has also deeply influenced the development of Western civilization and continues to serve as an inspiration in the lives of millions.

    Recent attempts, however, move to deny this bond and to delegitimize the story that has bound the Jewish people over space and time. Among these attempts are UNESCO resolutions that ignore the historical connection between the Jewish people and their ancient capital, and equally, fail to acknowledge Christianity’s ties to Jerusalem.

    With historical heritage sites in this region being systematically destroyed by jihadist forces, such as the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, it is Israel that defends religious freedom for the three monotheistic faiths – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – against the tide of intolerance sweeping the Middle East.

    Countless archeological findings verify the connection of the Jewish people to Jerusalem and discredit those who deny the ancient Jewish presence in Jerusalem. 

    The findings shown inour publication The Jewish Historical Connection to Jerusalem (see attachment) clearly discredit those who deny the ancient Jewish presence in Jerusalem and present irrefutable evidence of historical truth.