Behind the Headlines: Israel welcomes the pilgrimage of Pope Benedict XVI

Behind the Headlines: Israel welcomes the pilgrimage of Pope Benedict XVI

    Pope Benedict XVI will be welcomed to the Holy Land as a true friend of the State of Israel and the Jewish people.

    Pope Benedict XVI will be welcomed to the Holy Land as a true friend of the State of Israel and the Jewish people. His 11-15 May 2009 visit will mark an important stage in the development of the relationship between the Vatican and Israel.

    The Pope's visit will make an immense contribution to strengthening the dialogue between Christianity, Judaism and Islam, as part of the effort to achieve peace in the region.

    Members of all three great monotheistic religions live together in Israel, and the country is committed to guaranteeing complete freedom of worship to all, and to safeguarding free access to all holy sites.

    Pilgrimage to Israel constitutes a bridge to peace between peoples and religions. Israel encourages Christians throughout the world to support the message of the Pope's visit and to follow his example of experiencing first-hand a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Israel understands the importance of such visits, and will do everything possible to facilitate their success.

    A visit to the Holy Land is a unique spiritual experience, with the potential to strengthen personal belief. It has the additional value of bringing people of different faiths closer together, based on their common historical and cultural backgrounds. This is the key to initiating a dialogue of peace between believers of diverse religions and faiths.

    Besides its unique religious significance to the three great monotheistic religions, Jerusalem is the capital of the State of Israel and the Jewish people. Jerusalem is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and since the city was re-united in 1967, Israel has safeguarded freedom of worship for all. The city represents a unique combination of the ancient and the holy on the one hand, with modernity and vitality on the other.

    Nazareth is a bustling city of 80,000 inhabitants, making it the largest Arab city in Israel. It is also at the economic and cultural center for a larger Arab population living in adjacent towns. Walk through the quaint lanes, visit the markets, meet local residents, and see Nazareth Village, a re-creation of Nazareth and its culture as Jesus would have known it.
    Israel invites believers throughout the world to follow in the Pope's footsteps and come on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.